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How can this 28 year old chick with 4 kids take some fillet salmon out the fridge then put it in the oven WITH NOTHING ELSE? No washing, no salt, pepper, seasoning or anything. Just straight from the packaging to the oven./How can this 24 year old bre who used to rent a place from me NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK RICE or SEASON FOOD? Man actually said to me when he was cooking some chicken 'You don't have to do anything to it. When it's cooked, it will taste good.'

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How can this 28 year old chick with 4 kids take some fillet salmon out the fridge then put it in the oven WITH NOTHING ELSE? No washing, no salt, pepper, seasoning or anything. Just straight from the packaging to the oven./How can this 24 year old bre who used to rent a place from me NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK RICE or SEASON FOOD? Man actually said to me when he was cooking some chicken 'You don't have to do anything to it. When it's cooked, it will taste good.'
her kids must dread seeing wats on the menu for dinner daily, lool....bland meals everyday
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cooking is very BASIC scienceits usually very thick people who cant cook
c/sBasic life skill. Like not being able to tie shoelaces or make a bedAlthough cooking chicken/fish straight up just means the food is gonna be dry/more bland. It won't be to most peoples' tastes, but some people just aren't fussed. Not the same thing as being UNABLE to cook imo, which is obviously atrocious
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them people that were spoilt as kids in EVERY WAYYYYYdinner time, dont even have to get off their asses to go and get it... the mum takes it up to them so they dont even have the first clue how it was cooked.
know one girl whos so spoilt like this. even kicks up a fuss if she doesnt like what her mother has made, even having her mum do a glass of milk and orange juice for her ready in the morning. most she can do is toast. f*ck*ng ridiculous.
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what i cant stand is the f*ckers who are like 'o no i DON'T cook, and no i dont want to learn'piss me right off
My younger brother was abit like that, don't think I didn't beat it out of him (literally).No way was I going to have my then 17 year old brother going uni & just living on take aways galore.
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when you come to uni you realise just how many of these kids miss mummy dearest.I live in a yard where the two girls' meals consist of soup or cereal. Back in september one of them told me she likes chicken but she doesn't buy it because its expensive, I finally managed to get her to admit she doesn't know how to cook it

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i said, blame microwave roasts and Asda's frozen plantain
even the smell from those microwave roasts are off putting.
Any microwaveable meal puts me off, disgusting!Worst thing is went into a pub had some food with a friend last year, ended up with food poisoning (sick, going for a sh*t a lot), month or so after as I was walking passed the kitchen, door was open all I see is these guys banging sh*t in the microwave not handling it correctly. My brother whom is a chef would have a field day with this lot.
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