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Guest chap44uns

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If the girls a foreigner, then ill show her parts of london, picnics ina nice part of london always work, bottle of wine, freshly squeezed juice, grapes, olives, french bread & pate always works..Hampstead park followed by a crepe always works



went ona good date couple weeks ago, when I took dis French bird (I drew in Sports Bar following the French game) fencing and then for a picnic with a hamper in Regents Park lol .. when I do it I do it like im doin it for tv!!


The visual.


Sick guy.


Fuck off. LOL

Lol anelka getting confused over what poking a chick actually means.

Anelka's views on dating >>>>>

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Guest Portuguese

If the girls a foreigner, then ill show her parts of london, picnics ina nice part of london always work, bottle of wine, freshly squeezed juice, grapes, olives, french bread & pate always works..Hampstead park followed by a crepe always works



went ona good date couple weeks ago, when I took dis French bird (I drew in Sports Bar following the French game) fencing and then for a picnic with a hamper in Regents Park lol .. when I do it I do it like im doin it for tv!!


The visual.


Sick guy.


Fuck off. LOL

Lol anelka getting confused over what poking a chick actually means.

Anelka's views on dating >>>>>

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i used to be the same as a lot of you lot, i will have a phone convo and then link the beat and anything else would be despicable but, now im a older more suave fencing type of character

i will go out with a girl no probs, sometimes a player wants to have some conversation or gain access to a swingers party, or simply go to an art gallery with somebody, and if theres a spark then great but if not its nice to meet people and hear their opinions on subjects, going restaurants on my own used to be cool when i was a kid, now i will rather take an escort. guess you can say im a lonely hearts club kind of guy,my motive is de niro in heat, not cape fear. i will date some girls that work in interesting professions and gain information whilst building my social network and displaying my intellect and sense of humour.but once its a link there will be no dating and not every girl will get dated,if i meet a girl in a club or watever then i will keep it traditional,but a girl i met at a upmarket party i dont have a problem suggesting we watch an david lynch film sometime. i will date some fairly plain girls as well, couldnt give a shit, call it a fetish. sometimes we friendzone each other. i like to take things on a case by case basis and there are no rules just natural reflexes and my reflexes take care of business so i got nothing to worry about. never in a million years will i be dating to wife so theres never a question of im going to be romantic or pay for everything, im not taking out some dumb princess trophy character, its not mario bros

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lmao had to stop my nose from dribbling after reading Anelkas post.

So glad I am not single boy fak, I could NOT be dealing with all that shit.

Imagine putting on your best victorian cravat and cod piece and it turns out this French girl you took to les miserables is any hoe for Jean-Louis and Pierre back home.

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So glad I am not single boy fak, I could NOT be dealing with all that shit.

boy im the opposite. sometimes i wish i was single so i could do brazen dumb shit and not care.

lol them ones when you do become single and start to go on your exploits in hype park with a picnic camper and a random female you then realise wtf was I thinking :lol:

Desire is a fucked up thing

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really depends on what sort of girl im dealing with, never taken more than 2 dates to bang, normally do it on the 1st link never mind "date"

Im a cultured chap so if some1 is on the same wave length as me we can go out and try new things, maybe see a play at a theatre, ballet, museum, gallery..that kind of thing

If the girls a foreigner, then ill show her parts of london, picnics ina nice part of london always work, bottle of wine, freshly squeezed juice, grapes, olives, french bread & pate always works..Hampstead park followed by a crepe always works

But if its any slimeball, a bit of banter on bbm, maybe a phone call...then a link at a house and sex

I wana take a girl to a footy match

I dont really go in on the sex talk on the fone or bbm much these days, before i was like one of those 0900 sex lines but i try keep it calm n relaxed, sex normally happens when its calm, but sum girls get a tad uneasy about the x-ratd sex chat lol had 2 tone it down


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So glad I am not single boy fak, I could NOT be dealing with all that shit.

boy im the opposite. sometimes i wish i was single so i could do brazen dumb shit and not care.

Don't get me wrong I wish I could fuck certain chicks but that quickly gets tired.

If I was single now I don't think I would have the energy to invest time in a chick like before.

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When I was deep in the linking game I used to beat on first or second linkage, maximum 3.

Same process all the time as well.

Come to the yard

Watch TV/a movie for half an hour or so

Get the banter flowing + play fighting

Ask for a massage and return the favour = both your tops off

Move in for a kiss and kiss the neck

It's a wrap

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