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Replacing junk wiv???

15th side of east

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You think if someone is 'fat' they are stupid? People generally eat because they like the taste of food mate. 


I'm not fat, I eat like that most of the time but I also enjoy hot wings, burritos, rice and peas, macaroni cheese, nachos and chocolate.. which is why i'm so soft and desirable. 

he wasn't calling You stupid, he was saying You're not in a position to advise weight loss, because in his opinion You are fat, so saying he would be stupid to listen to Your advice


rice and peas is good before work/exercise btw.

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he can cut out fats,sugar like fruits, and eat vegetables, lean meat,wholemeal bread,potatoes no fried products,(stir fry ok), drink coffee, do cardio for at least 30 mins at least 4 x a week,lift weights at least 3 times a week. snack on celery,carrots, rice cake, meat, boiled eggs. cut out butter. have cottage cheese. have a multivitamin. not the healthiest diet but u will be fine. do this for two weeks guaranteed results. if u dont have discipline it will take longer and u will take two steps back for one step fwd. stick with it and youll see results. when yr lifting weights and doing cardio regularly you dont have to be so strict as you will burn calories more quickly and use a lot of stuff you eat, but these short term measures will help. walk a lot

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Too much of anything will make you gain weight, calories are calories. 


'Fruits and vegetables, which are higher in water and fiber and lower in calories than other foods are less likely to cause weight gain or prevent weight loss, as you would have to eat much larger portions to consume too many calories. However, fruit has almost three times the calories per serving as nonstarchy vegetables, so it is easier to consume too many fruit calories, which can interfere with weight loss. Frequently dieters who think of fruit as a "free food" are unknowingly consuming up to 250 extra calories a day, which could prevent them from losing one pound of fat every two weeks. 


Regarding sugar, while the sugar in fruit, known as fructose, is healthier than refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup, it still contains the same number of calories per serving (4 calories per gram) so again, it cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities if you are watching your weight.'

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Yea eat your natural nuts but keep an eye on your portions if you wanna lose weight, ideally bag them up into 100cal portions so you know how much you are eating. Its very easy to eat handful after handful.

Eat fruit on an empty stomach but not too much, if your looking to lose weight keep an eye on it. Veg is pretty much free for you if your keeping it green, swap white potatoes for sweet pot / pumpkin.

If you can't keep away from bread then try something like Burgen bread (soya and linseed) its high in fibre and protein, eat with almond butter instead of peanut butter etc.

You can eat as much lettuce and leaves as you like so huge salads with a large portion of protein is good to fill you up.

Greek yogurt with (a little) honey is good for sweetness, high in protein too.

Just eat very clean.

u r dropping all this clean diet talk but how come ppl are calling or keep implying you are fat?

just saying if i needed to drop some weight, i won't be taking advice from a fat person

Allow it bro she's probably given u the most advice on here and even if she is fat doesn't mean the advice is wrong she just might not follow it herself that strictly.

Kay how would u work out what 100 calories is tho in weight?

I personally think the whole counting calories thing is bs tbh everyone's got different metabolisms can't be one rule for everyone plus surely it's based on how much physical activity you do...someone sitting in an office all day isn't gonna need as much as someone doing physical labour etc.

exercise and eat what u want

:/ that isn't how you burn fat

Exercise isn't how you burn fat?

Explain please.

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A lot of fruit is not as good as people are making out.. You wanna cut out as much sugars as you can.. Greek yogurt is a great snack and very cheap.. Couple of my gym dons say its sour but i enjoy the taste

This is another reason why my diet is to eat small meals throughout the day.. Im eating every 2-3 hours so im never hungry and never "craving" food.. Infact moretime 2 of my meals are forced

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