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A quick question...

Guest Sean Ash

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EXCLUSIVE: Married couple reveal they're better off apartWE SPLIT UP TO GET MORE BENEFITSBy Philip WhitesideA MARRIED couple last night revealed how they split up —because under Britain's crazy benefit system they are BETTER OFF living apart. Sean Ash and wife Chloe agreed to break up after realising they would lose out even MORE when he takes a new job. They spoke in the wake of a major political row this week, sparked by Tory leader David Cameron's tax-break pledge to give married couples an extra £20 a week. Sean and Chloe, who have both been on benefits, explained why they decided to join what Mr Cameron called "our broken society". As a couple, they had a joint net income of £1,702 a month. But after the split, Sean now gets £1,184 and Chloe £1,396—making a total of £2,580. That means they are £878 a month in benefits better off leading separate lives. Sean, 25, soon expects to start a job with London Underground earning £22,000 a year. But he says he had to leave his wife and one-year-old son Dylan three weeks ago when it became clear that him working would bring their joint income down to £1,472 a month. He said: "There's no point in us being together if we get more money by living apart. Painful"It's ridiculous. Surely if you work you expect to earn more than you'd get on the dole." The pair have both been on incapacity benefits. Sean, who has painful sciatica, wanted to return to work but he and Chloe began to fall out when they realised the price they'd pay. Their joint income of £1,702 a month included income support, child tax credit and benefit, housing and council tax benefit and £800 for rent on their flat in Lewisham, south-east London. But after splitting and starting work, Sean expects to earn a net £1,394 a month. Child support will cut it to just £1,184. If the pair had stayed together he'd have got almost no tax credits. Chloe would only have qualified for child benefit of £78.43, bringing them in £1,472 a month. Chloe, 22, who is unable to work due to manic depression, said the idea they'd be so much worse off was "the straw that broke the camel's back." "It meant my little boy would suffer," she said.
this is the story right?
Some joke ting.
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I am trying to understand something..Everywhere I go, people say to me "don't vote for the BNP, they're racist, fascist scum.. don't give them a platform" etc.I don't like listening to people, I like to discover and work things out for myself.. after looking I still cannot see them being racist..I would like to ask you all a quick question .....Without going on hear say and what others have told you about them..Do you find them racist/fascist? if so then why?(people will say to 'lock' this topic but to be honest that's all I hear from left wingers, they seem to have more issues then these guys IMO)
I aint read no other post in this topic apart from this one so i'm gonna give you my answer.I find the BNP racist, reason being this -:- Many of their members have been caught, filmed and even imprisoned for racist attacks. This aint a myth, the facts are there. Even if some of the stories are a bit over-cooked by the press the fact remains that a much larger percentage of BNP members are caught being racist then the other political parties.- The BNP's leader has been filmed acting in a facist and some would say racist manner. Any Labour/Tory member making the same comments Nick Griffin has made would have had to resign. - Back in the early 90's I remember they used to have a private bookshop near where Steven Lawrence was killed (about a mile away). The rumour for many years was that the bookshop had bare racist books in it. In about 1999 the police raided the shop and closed it down. At the time it didnt really get alot of press attention but if i remember right they found bare books about denyiny the holocaust etc.
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I am trying to understand something..Everywhere I go, people say to me "don't vote for the BNP, they're racist, fascist scum.. don't give them a platform" etc.I don't like listening to people, I like to discover and work things out for myself.. after looking I still cannot see them being racist..I would like to ask you all a quick question .....Without going on hear say and what others have told you about them..Do you find them racist/fascist? if so then why?(people will say to 'lock' this topic but to be honest that's all I hear from left wingers, they seem to have more issues then these guys IMO)
I aint read no other post in this topic apart from this one so i'm gonna give you my answer.I find the BNP racist, reason being this -:- Many of their members have been caught, filmed and even imprisoned for racist attacks. This aint a myth, the facts are there. Even if some of the stories are a bit over-cooked by the press the fact remains that a much larger percentage of BNP members are caught being racist then the other political parties.- The BNP's leader has been filmed acting in a facist and some would say racist manner. Any Labour/Tory member making the same comments Nick Griffin has made would have had to resign. - Back in the early 90's I remember they used to have a private bookshop near where Steven Lawrence was killed (about a mile away). The rumour for many years was that the bookshop had bare racist books in it. In about 1999 the police raided the shop and closed it down. At the time it didnt really get alot of press attention but if i remember right they found bare books about denyiny the holocaust etc.
Yes in Welling I remember that bookshop
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Guest Sean Ash

Everyone here is always saying that I look like I got down syndrome and they call me a scrounging scum bag so why shouldn't I claim for disability?Anything that makes you lot cry and whinge about, makes me smile.

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well if you are not disabled, surely you are comitting fraud ? claiming benefits which you arent entitled to etc.seriously ashman , are you disabled ?it aint the thing to pretend to be

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Guest Sean Ash
well if you are not disabled, surely you are comitting fraud ? claiming benefits which you arent entitled to etc.seriously ashman , are you disabled ?it aint the thing to pretend to be
Are you a wog socket?
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Guest Sean Ash

Robert Dean ... "You ever beat off in the shower, Brian? You ever have any homosexual thoughts?"??? ... "Bobby, that is..."Robert Dean ... "None of my f*ck*ng business! You're damn right it's not!enemy3.jpg

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Guest Sean Ash
This hasn't been a very quick question has it...
Well it could have been had people shown me crucial evidence to suggest that the BNP are racist.I mean; thanks to Thun, he seemed to be the only one showing me the evidence I asked for. I think Nick was wrong to deny the holocaust .. but about the Darren Wells story, I have heard two different stories.. one from the BBC and the other from a BNP activist.Again, who does one believe?Although Nick Griffin has said some bad sh*t that I do not agree with, it canot be easy for him when the media and public are LOOKING very closely at him, as if they were putting words into his mouth.My findings are, you should vote for who best represents you as a person..If they best represent me, this does not make me racist, this means that they are out for my interests first.I find it contradicitng how everyone isolates them, in order to get what is best for you.
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This hasn't been a very quick question has it...
Well it could have been had people shown me crucial evidence to suggest that the BNP are racist.I mean; thanks to Thun, he seemed to be the only one showing me the evidence I asked for. I think Nick was wrong to deny the holocaust .. but about the Darren Wells story, I have heard two different stories.. one from the BBC and the other from a BNP activist.Again, who does one believe?Although Nick Griffin has said some bad sh*t that I do not agree with, it canot be easy for him when the media and public are LOOKING very closely at him, as if they were putting words into his mouth.My findings are, you should vote for who best represents you as a person..If they best represent me, this does not make me racist, this means that they are out for my interests first.I find it contradicitng how everyone isolates them, in order to get what is best for you.
Nick Griffin says he would force everyone back of ethnic origin even if they was born here and says the holocaust did not happen as the gas chambers did not exist.If you cant see the BNP are a racist party then there is know helping you. They have strong NF roots which should show you these people are a racist party at heart.
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This hasn't been a very quick question has it...
Well it could have been had people shown me crucial evidence to suggest that the BNP are racist.I mean; thanks to Thun, he seemed to be the only one showing me the evidence I asked for. I think Nick was wrong to deny the holocaust .. but about the Darren Wells story, I have heard two different stories.. one from the BBC and the other from a BNP activist.Again, who does one believe?Although Nick Griffin has said some bad sh*t that I do not agree with, it canot be easy for him when the media and public are LOOKING very closely at him, as if they were putting words into his mouth.My findings are, you should vote for who best represents you as a person..If they best represent me, this does not make me racist, this means that they are out for my interests first.I find it contradicitng how everyone isolates them, in order to get what is best for you.
Nick Griffin says he would force everyone back of ethnic origin even if they was born here and says the holocaust did not happen as the gas chambers did not exist.If you cant see the BNP are a racist party then there is know helping you. They have strong NF roots which should show you these people are a racist party at heart.
Bruv llow it. He knows full well that the BNP have a racist and fascist foundation.He is scrounge who wants more than he is already getting without the need to work, when he doesn't get an xbox 360 in addition to his ps3, hdtv, car and computer without working it is us ethnics that are the cause of his woes.WASTEMAN!
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Guest Sean Ash
This hasn't been a very quick question has it...
Well it could have been had people shown me crucial evidence to suggest that the BNP are racist.I mean; thanks to Thun, he seemed to be the only one showing me the evidence I asked for. I think Nick was wrong to deny the holocaust .. but about the Darren Wells story, I have heard two different stories.. one from the BBC and the other from a BNP activist.Again, who does one believe?Although Nick Griffin has said some bad sh*t that I do not agree with, it canot be easy for him when the media and public are LOOKING very closely at him, as if they were putting words into his mouth.My findings are, you should vote for who best represents you as a person..If they best represent me, this does not make me racist, this means that they are out for my interests first.I find it contradicitng how everyone isolates them, in order to get what is best for you.
Nick Griffin says he would force everyone back of ethnic origin even if they was born here and says the holocaust did not happen as the gas chambers did not exist.If you cant see the BNP are a racist party then there is know helping you. They have strong NF roots which should show you these people are a racist party at heart.
Bruv llow it. He knows full well that the BNP have a racist and fascist foundation.He is scrounge who wants more than he is already getting without the need to work, when he doesn't get an xbox 360 in addition to his ps3, hdtv, car and computer without working it is us ethnics that are the cause of his woes.WASTEMAN!
You are wrong actually..I wan't to work but I was attacked earlier on in life..I wouldn't be where I am now if it were not for 'rude boys'... dumb idiots, that went round thinking they owned this crust.
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Don't ban AshmanAnyone that gets offended by anything he says really needs a medical check up. I like reading his posts because of the pure unintentional comedy. His rant about the white man being oppressed is by far the funniest routine i have ever read. People like Ashman have petty paranoia issues and will always see the world a particular way. The more reaction ashman gets out of you the more he feels he has a worthy cause to pursue. You can reason with an unreasonable person let ashman do his thing.

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Guest Sean Ash
Mod's need to ban him.
ban me?why?is that the best you can do?ban peopleisolate themkick them outbecause they have a different view..I THINKIf you cannot take the opinions of others, then you should not post your own.I have not called anyone names..if anything all the name calling has been directed at me..if anyone needs to be banned.. ban those that call me horrible names ..blame the evil do not blame me..I have not called anyone names such as scum, low life, fraudster, etc.
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Guest Sean Ash
Don't ban AshmanAnyone that gets offended by anything he says really needs a medical check up. I like reading his posts because of the pure unintentional comedy. His rant about the white man being oppressed is by far the funniest routine i have ever read. People like Ashman have petty paranoia issues and will always see the world a particular way. The more reaction ashman gets out of you the more he feels he has a worthy cause to pursue. You can reason with an unreasonable person let ashman do his thing.
Why?can the white man not be oppressed?I thought we were all equal.. all the same bones on the inside?what makes us superhuman that we cannot be victim to oppression?tell me?it makes you laugh does it?
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