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Dunno why Niall can't just keep his c*nt persona for the other rooms. Not sure what joy he gets out of being like that in here.




Back is looking very decent at the moment, really up the intensity and added a few new things to my routine aswell. Will post up pics when I'm home later, think I have some before pics aswell.



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yup. moretime I just notice they're on a crosstrainer, and whether or not I'm attracted


done a lot of extra sets to stay in gym longer to coincide with a female finishing her crosstrainer set to draw them. 


don't care about their actual exercise though

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How jarring is it when you see these 'gym' girls on insta with bare videos and it's just pure atrocious form everywhere.

This ting put up her video of herself squatting, bitch isn't even going parallel.

You're too deep in the gym game if you are concentrating on a chicks form when she's squatting.


It's that deep


We have different mindsets when it comes to this gym thing Lens.

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Think I've injured my rotator cuff. If i put my palm upwards and raise my arm i get pain. Im taking two weeks off to see if it gets better but if it's still painful im gonna look to see a physio. So pissed though. Hate making progress then having to take a forced break.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Rest day I feel like a slob and feel like I've lost all my gains?

Anyone know these feels?

what about a week routine with no rest days, isolated muscle groups by day?






"Bro-splits" aren't great if you're a natural lifter. 


That regime above looks shit tbh.


Training everyday is also dumb...your body needs CLEAN rest.

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A lot of variables.. How much you eat, how much you sleep, genetics.. Some people repair faster than others.. When I wasn't working I was gyming twice a day, 6 days a week, morning and evening, as long as I got enough food in during the day and had a 9/10 sleep that night my body could handle it.. Some people can barely manage 4 days a week, mainly down to their diet but also not blessed in the genetics department when it comes to muscle stress/repair

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