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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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fihjfsedsfasdccwait waitnew links like what?????st.jab into sweep PLZThink Abel may even stay my main specially if his damage is still as strong whilst a lot of others has been lessened meaning you can afford more risks even if they have 2 barpos' for former

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Natty, ill say stick with Abel in super. hes is still bare strong and that U2 will get so many people. you can do it randomly at pretty much ANY time and you will get people 90% of the time because you can delay it, and it goes 3/4 the screen. move is to good. im not exactly what link it was the guy done but i think it was MP XX HP or sumting. lol no st.lp to sweep, that nigga aint ryu.Didnt play makoto myself but played against one. her focus attack is VERY good. lifts her off the ground and crumpled me bare times. shes to slow IMO and you can rush her down easily. the only threat is Choke n Hold >> Ultra. without thats shes just "meh"Fei longs the same mixer. rekkas start faster but thats it. U2 is rubbish.dont know bout guy Sosa but Hakan is just any guy, only thing good bout him is his sliding focus and U2.I recorded BARE footage but it all got corrupt! :D IM SO FUKN PISSED!

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Former you bad man. Was that the thing that wake up srk yout's bredrin was talking about on neo empire?
ye, i didnt get back to him till this morning and he told me about the comp he won. was banging out SSF4 7 hours straight!. didnt even eat, drink or take a piss. it was emotional :D:D
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