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Recommendations - No Spoilers


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Room was really good. Had me rooting for a character more than I can remember doing so in any other film, and one scene had my heart racing.

The way the woman dealt with the situation she was in, tried to keep her child happy and raise as best she could whilst trapped in a room.

The was You see life from the POV of a child who has only ever been in that room.

Great film making

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I thought it was shit. Like terrible.

Few lols here and there but so few and far between

Best thing that happened was him standing on the table and getting hit by the chandelier or whatever it was over his head

Computer game stuff was also kinda alright

Wedding planner situation just pissed me off. Why not fire her?

Chinese guy from hangover massively underused, he normally cracks me up.

They even tried to recreate him being a hostage to make better use of him and still failed

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  • 3 weeks later...

Went back and watched Invasion of the body snatcher (Donald Sutherland version) and the body snatchers (1993 version). Hands down two of my personal favourite sci-fi horror films.  Remember watching them as a kid and having nightmares for weeks after, so many traumatising scenes :lol:


Would recommend anyone who's never saw them to give them both a watch





This scene has gotta be up there with the original warewolf in london transformation scene. WIsh films would go back to the days of practical affects like that, instead of the bullshit CGI rendering.




oi this scene>>>>>>



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This new season of new girl without jess has been jokes

Winston >>>>

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Interstellar would be my first pick


Loved Edge of Tomorrow, Martian is even better though


Her, Elysium, Oblivion, Chappie, Ex Machina and SelfLess come recommended


Just avoid After Earth, Pacific Rim, Transendence, Project Almanac and Terminator Genysis at all costs, and expect nothing major from Gravity or Lucy

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