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trussWhat is 864P? And Why?864P is a 16:9 HD Resolution between 720P & 1080P.So, it goes like this:http://x264-bb.com/screenz/images/9imavesksouyveuzrmz7.jpgWho is this for?864P is best for users with larger than 1536px screen resolution in width. (usually from 16xx onwards).The 864P resolution looks better for playback on large LCD TVs/Screens that supports FULL HD as the 864P resolution is much closer to 1080P than 720P.The biggest advantage is 864P does not require as much zoom in to the screens as much as 720P/m-720P movies during full screen playback.As a result better video/image quality achieved, 864P also looks better when sized down to lower resolution.

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