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What Drug(s) Would You Try (if you havent alredy)...


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personally i reckon id wanna try at least ONCE before i die Ecstasy to see what that does to enhancing raving so much. that or mdma, but i dunno how effective either it n which ones better, etc...id be a bit shook bout other crap bein in there in the pill, so i guess mdma would be a safer bet. BUT in general id probably be shook to try it moretime unless i felt i was really safe and in control and had people looking out for me incase i f*ck up.SECOND, im tempted to try shrooms in dam to see what trippin is all about. i wouldnt do lsd cos i herd its a lot more powerful, and shroms is jus more naturall, but again id be shook unless i felt VERY SECURE doin it....dunno if ill ever get round doin em tho, jus idle thought for now.
LSD's saferand Acid's even safer.I wanna try everything except crack, meth.
isit, i dnt even know, i just herd the hallicinagenic effects from LSD are stronger...any sources of info for education u could hit up here, ive never bothered searching into the "hallucigens"
I don't know a lot myself, I'm not even that really into drugs, I think they're pretty stupid from my personal experiences with users but I'm open to the whole thing and I wanna try most.I would just recommended reading What.CD forums if I were you. It's full of electronic/ambient music heads that are in American college studying sciences/further maths that are very pro drugs. They know the in's and out's of everything and know loads of educational information and refs.They're all hardcore drug users that are successful.
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Guest PennyTraitor
The most unappealing thing about heroin is the method of consumption imo. If it was a pill, id get wet.
u can smoke/snort it u know.holla to get the peng ting.
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Errr no thanks, I'll just stick to my Weed drugs thank you very much.And anyone that says that Weed is a gateway drug is stupid. If you were going to try coke or crack you would do it anyway, you don't ever drink coffee and think "Rah I feel like drinking some Vodka" no thats stupid.If you take Weed away from around the people that do harder drugs I'm sure you'll see alot less people slipping on that slope

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Guest PennyTraitor
The most unappealing thing about heroin is the method of consumption imo. If it was a pill, id get wet.
u can smoke/snort it u know.holla to get the peng ting.
lol @ not having the greng ting in 09
lol at making the change of a pauper in 08.im on bigger things love...u know how i get down..*edit*i read tht as GREEN ting, but im not on changin my statement atm tbh ttkk irl, tbc
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lol took it by accident the 1st time. Thought it was coke...boooooy was I wrong!Never realised walking upstairs was such a difficult task...sh*t walking just didn't work fullstop
LOL by accident??!! So is it a sh*t drug?
Dude passed me a bag, I figured it'd be rude not too.It burned as it went down my nostril...then he smiled and said see you later.I was baffed wondered why nothing was happening till I realised it had taken me forever to get to the other side of the room. Ket is basically a tranquiliser, used on horses but not in the same way.Just makes everything slow and mellow.
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The most unappealing thing about heroin is the method of consumption imo. If it was a pill, id get wet.
u can smoke/snort it u know.holla to get the peng ting.
lol @ not having the greng ting in 09
lol at making the change of a pauper in 08.im on bigger things love...u know how i get down..*edit*i read tht as GREEN ting, but im not on changin my statement atm tbh ttkk irl, tbc
lol @ dotting colours atmmy sh*t will make them colour blind, so we don't even refer to it as colours get me.shout me, i'll upgrade u
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Guest dynamat
The only thing i ever regret doing is weed, only thing thats had any negative downpoint on my life
Purely feeling dependant on a plant is a bad look for any human
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Guest PennyTraitor
The most unappealing thing about heroin is the method of consumption imo. If it was a pill, id get wet.
u can smoke/snort it u know.holla to get the peng ting.
lol @ not having the greng ting in 09
lol at making the change of a pauper in 08.im on bigger things love...u know how i get down..*edit*i read tht as GREEN ting, but im not on changin my statement atm tbh ttkk irl, tbc
lol @ dotting colours atmmy sh*t will make them colour blind, so we don't even refer to it as colours get me.shout me, i'll upgrade u
im not jokin tho still.anyways..dun no the myspace.
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Ket = Horse Tranquilizer.f*ck that.
Injected into horses, snorted by humans.major difference in effect.
Either way its wrong.
You do realise some dentists were still using this in 1995?plse note I aint condoning the use of the drug. Just informing
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