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Science Vs Faith


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faith over science for me. The idea that there is a God is more believable to me than the idea of a big bang that came outta nowhere and 50 billion years later humans appear. I think a lot of people just assume what scientists say is true and never question it, that's fair enough it's their life I just wish they wouldn't try to push their views on me. But each to their own, live your life, but personally, I don't want to live mine without God
Sorry from time there are stories of talking snakes, man walking on water, man turning a stick into snake. I just fail to see why you would believe that over fact.Each to their own
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both are visions of how we are here and why we were createdpeoples own opinions and thoughts
only thing is science is based on evidence, not something told by a next man who apparently was sacred enough to have witnessed this higher level being
evidence? science is based on some next mans opinion too. The big bang theory (created by a Christian priest) which atheists cling onto so strongly, yet I would guess the vast majority have never researched, doesn't say how the universe started because they don't know and scientists agree that there must have been something to trigger the big bang but how could there have been a trigger when there was nothing?"Without any evidence associated with the earliest instant of the expansion, the Big Bang theory cannot and does not provide any explanation for such an initial condition; rather, it describes and explains the general evolution of the universe since that instant"But at the end of the day, these kinda discussions are pointless because if you're religious then you're not going to change your opinion just because of what someone sense and the same is true with an athiest.
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I just dont believe EVERYTHING that is written in the bible
Like i said - SOME of the bible i dont believe
Why are you changing your tune for?Just because you don't believe in religion does not mean you have the right to disrespect it. There are greater powers than man that cannot be explained, who are you to question God? You know claim you don't now alot about religion, yet you feel you have the right to dismiss this as bullshit. You are ignorant.
SNOOP,What are you doing? You have just quoted me saying the same thing in a different way!I dont believe everything that is writen in the bible, Some of the bible i dont believe!Im basically still saying the same thing i dont believe everything i read/see in the bible.I didnt disrespect the bible i stated an opinion if you think me saying "fairy tale b/s" Is disrespectful then clearly you see what /where i would be referrin to in the bible.Who are you to believe there is a god? I am a being living in this world and i believe i have every right to question god, everybody does. I'm sorry you disagree but i just dont see how any god would allow certain things to happen in this world if a "god" was really there surely he wouldnt allow people to torture others, animals etc. I mean look what the human race is doing to the wildlife where are killing breeds out ...... Why GREED! Aint that one of the sins? How can you be religious and allow the brutal torture of live skinnings of animals and wear them ie anybody who rocks a rocawear jacket, minx coats etc. I think its digusting to say you are religious believe in god yet wear animal fur that you know fine well an animal was SKINNED ALIVE for your benefit! (Slightly offtopic i know but how can god exist if he allows this to happen)
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I didnt disrespect the bible i stated an opinion if you think me saying "fairy tale b/s" Is disrespectful then clearly you see what /where i would be referrin to in the bible.
Can you please explain the logic behind this statement motherf*cker
Do you really need someone to explain what parts of the bible, specifically in the old testament, sound like fairy tales?
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I didnt disrespect the bible i stated an opinion if you think me saying "fairy tale b/s" Is disrespectful then clearly you see what /where i would be referrin to in the bible.
Can you please explain the logic behind this statement motherf*cker
Do you really need someone to explain what parts of the bible, specifically in the old testament, sound like fairy tales?
I meant can she explain her assumption that because i think referring to someone's holy book is disrespectful, i "clearly see what she is referring to in the bible"
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I didnt disrespect the bible i stated an opinion if you think me saying "fairy tale b/s" Is disrespectful then clearly you see what /where i would be referrin to in the bible.
Can you please explain the logic behind this statement motherf*cker
Do you really need someone to explain what parts of the bible, specifically in the old testament, sound like fairy tales?
I meant can she explain her assumption that because i think referring to someone's holy book is disrespectful, i "clearly see what she is referring to in the bible"
Your mistake is thinking she's using any form of logic in her argument.
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Poisened apples in the garden of eden - and in snow white.talking animals That noah matched two of every species - 800,000 species of insects never mind the other animals - And he got them to mate on a boat? LOL SureGod made women out of a rib?That mary some how was impregnanted with out the help of a male - Logic tells us this is impossibleLol@Zamorak

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I just dont believe EVERYTHING that is written in the bible
Like i said - SOME of the bible i dont believe
Why are you changing your tune for?Just because you don't believe in religion does not mean you have the right to disrespect it. There are greater powers than man that cannot be explained, who are you to question God? You know claim you don't now alot about religion, yet you feel you have the right to dismiss this as bullshit. You are ignorant.
SNOOP,What are you doing? You have just quoted me saying the same thing in a different way!I dont believe everything that is writen in the bible, Some of the bible i dont believe!Im basically still saying the same thing i dont believe everything i read/see in the bible.I didnt disrespect the bible i stated an opinion if you think me saying "fairy tale b/s" Is disrespectful then clearly you see what /where i would be referrin to in the bible.Who are you to believe there is a god? I am a being living in this world and i believe i have every right to question god, everybody does. I'm sorry you disagree but i just dont see how any god would allow certain things to happen in this world if a "god" was really there surely he wouldnt allow people to torture others, animals etc. I mean look what the human race is doing to the wildlife where are killing breeds out ...... Why GREED! Aint that one of the sins? How can you be religious and allow the brutal torture of live skinnings of animals and wear them ie anybody who rocks a rocawear jacket, minx coats etc. I think its digusting to say you are religious believe in god yet wear animal fur that you know fine well an animal was SKINNED ALIVE for your benefit! (Slightly offtopic i know but how can god exist if he allows this to happen)
God doesnt "allow" anything to happen (makes no sense but u know what i mean). man corrupted themselvesthus...Romans 1:29-32...Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
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Poisened apples in the garden of eden - and in snow white.talking animals That noah matched two of every species - 800,000 species of insects never mind the other animals - And he got them to mate on a boat? LOL SureGod made women out of a rib?That mary some how was impregnanted with out the help of a male - Logic tells us this is impossibleLol@Zamorak
3316_cbb6.jpegWhy did i bother
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I just dont believe EVERYTHING that is written in the bible
Like i said - SOME of the bible i dont believe
Why are you changing your tune for?Just because you don't believe in religion does not mean you have the right to disrespect it. There are greater powers than man that cannot be explained, who are you to question God? You know claim you don't now alot about religion, yet you feel you have the right to dismiss this as bullshit. You are ignorant.
SNOOP,What are you doing? You have just quoted me saying the same thing in a different way!I dont believe everything that is writen in the bible, Some of the bible i dont believe!Im basically still saying the same thing i dont believe everything i read/see in the bible.I didnt disrespect the bible i stated an opinion if you think me saying "fairy tale b/s" Is disrespectful then clearly you see what /where i would be referrin to in the bible.Who are you to believe there is a god? I am a being living in this world and i believe i have every right to question god, everybody does. I'm sorry you disagree but i just dont see how any god would allow certain things to happen in this world if a "god" was really there surely he wouldnt allow people to torture others, animals etc. I mean look what the human race is doing to the wildlife where are killing breeds out ...... Why GREED! Aint that one of the sins? How can you be religious and allow the brutal torture of live skinnings of animals and wear them ie anybody who rocks a rocawear jacket, minx coats etc. I think its digusting to say you are religious believe in god yet wear animal fur that you know fine well an animal was SKINNED ALIVE for your benefit! (Slightly offtopic i know but how can god exist if he allows this to happen)
God doesnt "allow" anything to happen (makes no sense but u know what i mean). man corrupted themselvesthus...Romans 1:29-32...Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
As i said if god is real then he has the ability to prevent/stop such things as envy, murder, deceit etc. Also why did god create the thought of these things, If the thought had never been allowed to flow through man then surely there would be no such thing. Man is infact a herbivore only through evolution have we become COOKED meat eaters this it its self technically makes us corrupted. We arent the strongest animal we are infact weak our strength amounts to nothing compaired to the likes of animals. I just feel there is too much fairy tale like senarios for them to be real. Lets be real if a woman came to her husband told her husband god had impregnated her he would laugh at her and probably leave her. Probably the same reaction any SANE religious man would give his wife too.
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