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Ever moved a chick on....


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Was at the bus stop yesterday coming home from work.Was a group of four girls, bout 14-15. 3 africans and a pretty mixed race one with curly hair n sh*t.One unevolved little african yout looking like a tramp rolled up to the mixed race one with all the confidence in the world with his 3 boys behind him.Man got broken down inside 10 seconds'What's going on b can i ask your name?''NO''Why?''Coz i'm not gonna give you my number, we won't link, we won't be friends and we won't be partners'Everyone laughs then he walks off lolShe MUST have an older sister

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swear this is a simple ting wots wrong with u man
Shows us the ways then Hitch
ur always dropping these sarcastic lines to me and NEVER getting a lolif u need to be taught how to chirpse chicks and ur above 18 then maybe interacting with chicks isnt meant for u
you didn't really answer his question though did you? He could be genuinely asking for advice.
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i have never done this on crowded public transportanyway, 22s i was on the district line with my bredrin a couple months back, i saw one chick giving me stare. i was hoping she would get off at my stop (which was the next stop) but she didn't. so i got off, phoned my bredrin and told him to give the phone to her, told her who i was etc. so i'm talking to her buss a couple jokes she had a laugh like Marge Simpson i was about to ask for the numerals then my bredrin took the phone and said sorry bruv i have to get off the train now.yh pointless story but the joke's on you for reading it anyway c*nt. looking back on this story, it was a fassy manoeuvre and i'm ashamed of myself. :D

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i have never done this on crowded public transportanyway, 22s i was on the district line with my bredrin a couple months back, i saw one chick giving me stare. i was hoping she would get off at my stop (which was the next stop) but she didn't. so i got off, phoned my bredrin and told him to give the phone to her, told her who i was etc. so i'm talking to her buss a couple jokes she had a laugh like Marge Simpson i was about to ask for the numerals then my bredrin took the phone and said sorry bruv i have to get off the train now.yh pointless story but the joke's on you for reading it anyway c*nt. looking back on this story, it was a fassy manoeuvre and i'm ashamed of myself. :D
it was an innovative move, commendable, ur bredrin shegged it
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Guest Flat Ericó
bluetooth note sending
Bloodthat is bare creepy
lmaois that sh*t even possible?pathetic
lol ye its possgot bluetooth'd a msg sayin 'oioi' once i was baffed cos i only clocked when i got off the train n there was no1 around
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The funniest I hv ever got was when 1 man slipped me a note!! A NOTE!!!
TBH, his creativity was wasted on you if you couldn't appreciate that gesture.Obviously man's feeling you but is considerate enough to not make you a public spectacle.And then, woman want to complain there aren't any gentlemen left/chivalry is dead,etc.....
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Neversome loudmouth girls from west came down to Harrow to bang up some girlswere trying to chirpes me on a ram 114, proper awkward it was even worse because my sister was opposite.
was bashy driving lol114 is epic for that remember droppin a essay on chicks chirpsing on that bus on rwd or early vip
Bashy drives the 114 yh?*notes down for next london trip*
i have never done this on crowded public transportanyway, 22s i was on the district line with my bredrin a couple months back, i saw one chick giving me stare. i was hoping she would get off at my stop (which was the next stop) but she didn't. so i got off, phoned my bredrin and told him to give the phone to her, told her who i was etc. so i'm talking to her buss a couple jokes she had a laugh like Marge Simpson i was about to ask for the numerals then my bredrin took the phone and said sorry bruv i have to get off the train now.yh pointless story but the joke's on you for reading it anyway c*nt. looking back on this story, it was a fassy manoeuvre and i'm ashamed of myself. :D
:D DeepBeen chirpsed on a bus before .. he went about it the right way actually .. bus werent PACKED but there was quite a few ppl about .. cant remember what he said but he broke the ice .. cool dudeAnd one next african yout was staring at me on a late bus one time .. got off at the same stop so was thinkin oh no .. i walked behind thinkin he wont try .. the guy stopped and chirpsed .. was a bit creepy .. one of vip2's london ppls as well .. but yh .. moral of that story is do not stare and follow me at night. its not hot
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i have never done this on crowded public transportanyway, 22s i was on the district line with my bredrin a couple months back, i saw one chick giving me stare. i was hoping she would get off at my stop (which was the next stop) but she didn't. so i got off, phoned my bredrin and told him to give the phone to her, told her who i was etc. so i'm talking to her buss a couple jokes she had a laugh like Marge Simpson i was about to ask for the numerals then my bredrin took the phone and said sorry bruv i have to get off the train now.yh pointless story but the joke's on you for reading it anyway c*nt. looking back on this story, it was a fassy manoeuvre and i'm ashamed of myself. :D
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