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ppl take the water that comes from their tap for granted

one day they will learn

thats all i have to say about that /forrest gump

I agree with you, but water that's been sitting in the water heater can have unwanted sh*t dissolved in it, especially since most houses' water tanks are corroded/dirty to some extent

Cold water is preferable for cooking/drinking

Edit- cosign Zlast.

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lol boil the kettle yh, u always need boiled water whenever u cooking my cousin taught me that, and add a cup of boiled water to the pot when u add the rice :Y:


loool@ chalk

an if my rice is too sticky, i c*ck the lid after i turn it off an leave it for about 5 minutes, a lot of the water steams off

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dont u hate when u munching a good plate of food, ur going in and then u catch a fat knot of ginger in the side of ur teeth :angry:

yh my mum always over does it with the ginger

i either cut it up fine, or crush it up

Buy a garlic grater these are fantastic it intensifies the flavour so you do not need to use much but it leaves out those clumbs of ginger those stringy bits. This can be used in varous different ways for garlic, ginger, fresh nutmeg tomatoes (so that u dont have the skin) list is endlist



Instructions *Highly recommended*

Congratulations on the purchase of this unique product!

Pretty and easy to use.

Remember to wet the surface of the garlic grater when working with foods that release moisture.

FOR GARLIC: Hold the garlic clove between your thumb and index finger with the root pointing up and the tip down. Rub the garlic over the bottom of the grater (in a circular movement or back and forth, the result will be the same). Using the brush gather the pulp by working from the outer rim of the grater into the centre, the garlic will fall off leaving the grater clean. Always rinse the grater under running cold water before hand washing or putting in the dishwasher.

The Grater works equally well for the following products:

• Ginger

• Strawberries

• Parmesan Cheese

• Nutmeg

• Olives

• Apples & Pears

• Carrots

• Lemon, Orange & Limes

• Nuts (Walnut, Brazil)

• Chocolate

so for parmeson, nutmeg, nuts and chocolate do not wet the surface of the grater.

Cannot believe people do not know what Thyme never even made a roast dinner or something. Home Ec in school should be a must and it should be back to basics making people start from scratch. Educate people about food.

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haha i made egg and bacon sarnie this mornin and used sum tesco value brand eggs i found i the fridge

f*ckin hell they was bare watery and tiny

it wouldnt solidify properly without stickin to my non stick pan and looked a mess after

ate it regardless and tasted pretty ok

still gonna cuss who ever brought em

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smaddz do u know wa gwarn for nutmeg and cooked spinnach

spinnach is basically arsonic when cooked and nutmeg is a next mind altering drug, thats why peoples get buzzed off of egg nog

i made a tea, honey, cinnamon and nutmeg, i was seeing tings that day

never knew that

always put nutmeg in my banana fritters an my cornmeal porridge

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yh i used nutmeg a lot too but now i just use it to get high :lol:

ppls is all smoking it sis looool

yo look a book called nutriciede by dr llaila afrika

i wanted to get it for my grandma but its hard to find,

anybody thinking about raising and feeding children should be privy to that info in there

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my mum cooked for me, now my bitch does. bitches cook.

bruv u were forced to become a vegan and now u havent grown since u were 12.

take it easy and dont be controversial it WILL get on top for u.


How did I miss this?


From Monday I'm getting back into my regular cooking regime and diet. Looking to get back on this home exercise ting.

Anyone got any recipies for quick fish or chicken dishes that can feed about 4 people? (this is all for me by the way). Already got my tuna dishes sorted so that's no biggy. Going to start seasoning nuff chicken over the weekend and then just chucking it in the freezer until I want to cook it. The whole seasoning process is just taking unnecessary time from my day. Would rather just defrost night before, come home form work, throw on the rice and bang the chicken in the oven.

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the way i would do it is

soak the peas over night

then put the peas in a pan of cold water, add to that a whole onion diced, an ur seasonin, salt pepper, fresh time definitly, what not

maybe some vegetable stock like bouillon

bring that all to the boil, then turn down to simmer until the peas get soft, when they are soft

add the rice an cook like normal, bring it to the boil again, then turn it down till the rice is cooked

the peas takke tiiime to get soft, gta keep makin sure that the water in the pot dont dry out

at some point u should put in some creamed coconut in it, but not sure when, maybe when u put the rice in


Good Good

you put the cream coconut in when the peas are done

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i dont really eat chicken too tuff anymore, if its there il munch it, but im not on cooking it

curried saltfish is live, let the saltfish soak in cold water overnight, even 2 days, rinse it off when u ready to cook, strip it down. a little seasoning, not too much cuz it is salty, less than a tble spoon of:

garlic, curry, black pepper, chilli pepper, all purporse, and lots and lots of creamed coconut, cuz i like sweet food

slice onions, sweet peppers/green peppers and some tomatoes, let that cook low for 30/40mins

can eat it with rice i eat mine with yams and steamed veg on the side

smoked kippers are nice too, i fry mine in coconut oil, onions and peppers maybe diced tomatoes, eat it with new potatoes and carrots

yh i dont cook with sunflower or veg oil anymore

only coconut oil or palm oil, better for my heart

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smaddz do u know wa gwarn for nutmeg and cooked spinnach

spinnach is basically arsonic when cooked and nutmeg is a next mind altering drug, thats why peoples get buzzed off of egg nog

i made a tea, honey, cinnamon and nutmeg, i was seeing tings that day


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