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(360) Modern Warfare 2 Thread


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so with each prestige do they all unlock another custom class space? and do they unlock anything else apart from challenges/emblems/titles?i don't know if i can be bothered losing all my stuff just for "get 1000000 kills with this weapon" "get 40000 headshots"i kinda regretted prestiging but i ended up moving up levels nice and quick, just not sure if i'll do it again lol

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every 2 prestiges you do, you get an extra custom class i got 7 atm.you dont get anything special, but your prestige gun challenges do carry on so if your sitting there at level 70 doing challenges theres no point,(unless you actually want to stay there) becos you can carry them on. Plus all the wasted exp could be leveling you up. lv 1-30 takes a couple hours still. just 40+ takes time to rank up.Apparently if you complete all your challenges or something, your 10th prestige is all gold (with no silver middle bit) *whooopie. not.They should have put in some next challenges and *rare* or hard to come by emblems/titles or challenges. There are loads anyways but none are really fulfilling enough if you get my drift.

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Someone explain to me quickly what prestige is, how to get it and what it does for you? I have no clue what it is about.Also, on boxing day they had COD4 for £20 in Game. Almost bought it and decided to use my money for something else. Kinda regretting it now. Really want to play it.+That snow mission on Veteran is pissing me the f*ck off.

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once you reach level 70 and get enough xp you can prestige. basically you lose all your guns, challenges etc for a emblem, new titles and challenges. you start from level 1 again. when you prestige you get an extra custom class slot.

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