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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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BlankaNew Ultra is Ground Pound / Air Spark. Ground version punishes full screen hadouken.Ground version punishes full screen hadouken.lmaof*ck any sagat with your kara tigers now Any one got a video?Game looks much better as well. Cody looks like he's going to be top tier :D He has FADC ultra!!

Looks like it does no damage and you can't combo it :D It seems that there is one for ground and one for anti air.
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loooool@ cammys ultrathats not gonna hit anybody ever
looool that might just be the shittest ultra ive ever seen
f*ck you Natty little cuntyou have been talking kinda wreckless lately
beg u slap him up or sutin.
:/why so serious bruv?lol @ taking them posts from me serious must think that my name is LS......../someone said this version still ain't fully balanced so the old characters are missing ber new updatesi hope soedit: lol @ COD being safe sick
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So blanka's ultra = 2 ultras :D One is AA and one for groundIt looks like they fixed the blanka balls as well!! Hopefully it will be safe on hit.Blanka can corner trap someone now :D He has two ultras. You throw out fireball = free ultra and taking the trade. you jump = using the AA ultraThe only down side is that both motions are like Guile's fml

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So blanka's ultra = 2 ultras biggrin.gif One is AA and one for groundIt looks like they fixed the blanka balls as well!! Hopefully it will be safe on hit.Blanka can corner trap someone now laugh.gif He has two ultras. You throw out fireball = free ultra and taking the trade. you jump = using the AA ultraThe only down side is that both motions are like Guile's fml
you mean the same input motion for guile and vega ultra supers etc?if so thats good for me! lolcan release them motions on reaction 8/10 times
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@VTEc :Thx :)Actually, there is a secret ;)For most caracters, the standing light punch has a very very good hitstun, better thant the other moves.So, the whole thing is to use chain combos to put some lights (chain is kind of a cancel of a normal move by a normal move, works with lights and target combos are evolution of chains)Then, you put a staing light punch en you stop chaining to link (ie : no cancelling animation, but waiting the end of move one to put move two) a crounch medium (kick or punch, given your charactersThen, you can launch your special movethe great advantage of such combos is that it gives time for hit confirm : you have the time to realize if opponent is guarding or not, and if he is crounch or not, and thus, choose how you'll end up your comboThat is why i am fond of lightsmedium combos : i have the reaction time of an oyster, so, a little helps is always welcome.Some caracters really have GREAT standing lp > crounch medium normal link : Ken and Vega (dictator) have 3 frames links in such case : you just can't miss : go and try in training, with Ken or Vega, to input a close standing jab and after a crounch medium kick (for both, kick is fatser then punch. For Ryu / Gouki and Guile, it's medium punch you should link)I can bet you'll combo it on your very 5 first tries.Not every thing is pink, though : on a crounch opponent, with ken, the stand lp won't hit correctly in 80% of times.With Vega, when a little far, the standing Lp will be a far lp, and thus, the 3frameslink will transform into a 1frame link.That is why, with Ken, you can put 2 light crounch before hitting standing jab, so you can confirm opponent standing.And why when you crossup with Dictator (or hit with the far end of your jumpin when in front), you won't go into more then one crounched jab.But Dictator, on average jumpin, is really the easiest one, because the standing jab always hits even if opponent is crounched.(but when you are close enough, you can c.lk (to hit standing opponent) before the c.lp > lp > c.mj > PsychoCrucher (or KneePress lk if opponent guarded, which is safe on block)With Ken, Guile, Vega, Chun-Li, Ryu, Gouki, Viper, Seth, Mike Bison, you should really try to invest a bit of training into getting lights2medium smoothly.It really helps to know you'll be able to confirm and choose the right special move to put on the end of the combo, and relieves you of concentration you can put somewhere else.And it is so cool to hit 10 hits comboes with Ken and c.lp > c.lp > c.mk > hado > Super :D

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Emrastlin thumbup3.gif wow...Will try out some of ur tips. /can anyone truly take the fight to this guy? has to be top player on this forum anyway... based on my recent and reg fight exp'sI find it hard to believe if anyone is really flooring emraistlin with ease...eg the likes of FITZ, ZELYs' and Grim... etc

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