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We are the 99%


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WRITING in "Das Kapital" in 1867, Karl Marx observed that in the capitalist system competition "ends in the ruin of many small capitalists, whose capitals partly pass into the hands of their conquerors". This way, he posited, capital would become increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few. Out of the 6,000 or so companies whose primary listing is on an American stock exchange, the top 5% accounted for 70% ($10.6 trillion) of the market value and 90% ($765 billion) of the total profit in 2010. In 2000, the profit from the top 5% of companies was greater than 100%, offsetting the huge losses by the bottom 50%. The figures are remarkably similar for listed companies in Western Europe. Confounding the view of the "Occupy" protests taking place across the globe that the world is run by increasingly rapacious corporations, those proportions have declined since 2000 (the earliest year for which robust data are available). At the very top, the largest 1% of listed companies in America and Western Europe accounted for 53% and 48% of market value in 2000. In 2010, those proportions had declined to 40% and 28% respectively.


Bit in bold is interesting, bit in red is pretty astonishing.

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Just because the market value of the said corporations has decreased, does not mean the government is free from corporate lobbying.

The market value hasnt dropped because the corporations have adopted an ethical approach to their business (which occupy want), its dropped because of change in the international market (growth of Dubai, Russia, China)

Corporations in our countries are losing grip on the international market, and instead of taking the hit, they are lobbying and pressuring government, who in turn transfer this pressure onto the public, who are already broke.

Occupy, amongst other things, is an in-ur-face reminder to government that their bowing down to the pressure of the corporations is not going unnoticed.

The idea of profit driven capitalism has led us here. There is a dire need for a more sustainable approach.

Instead of confounding, these stats support the need to occupy, and the need for tax-paying public to have representatiom in the battle for market value, otherwise we will get steamrolled.

Where is that quote/stats from? Washington post?

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Thing is, the financial cartels like world bank and IMf dont want sustainability, they want profit based capitalism.

If the country has high market value, the country increases the value of money, while applying pressure to other countries who have to borrow money at interest from these financial cartlels.

Win win.

For real change, the international financial system has to change. Without that we are only buying time, and are still at the whim of people who's incentives differ to ours.

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Corporations can distrubute their wealth how they want.

You buy a lottery ticket and win £5k, would you give away £2000 to people because they were skint, unhappy with how you won the money etc?

yeh but governments shouldnt be making secret deals with corps which harms the public

they let large corps off with big tax breaks, and let them hold business accounts in offshore tax havens in cayman islands, and let them have private accounts

and then the public who cant do shit are getting cuts to education and public health and public resources

the government should be rewarding a sustainable and ethical approach to business

but really our politicians are just as much businessmen, if not more so

seriously has no1 seen the simpsons?

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