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for people that work with two screens - did u find that your eyes hurt/get tired 


Yeah, look at something called FLUX.

Put the settings on the lowest you can.

Basically it's the white/blue light that fucks your eyes, this dims it.

Got mad headaches after starting but it's cool now.

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>>>>> asians

Not being racist but what is wrong with indians and pakistani's ?

My last job I had there were aload of sexual abuse cases where brothers and fathers would sexually assault/rape their daughters sisters. Then these poor girls would run away from home and try stuff like suicide.

In my current job I deal with allot of children why do asians feel the need to breed with their cousins ? The children come out with pure disabilities smh.

Had one thing I had to sort out this morning 14 year old had been raped by her brother who is in his 20's and instead of disown this fuckboy the parents take him back with open arms so the daughter has tried killing herself. I read enough and passed on the case to a college because I was feeling a way to just turn up at this guys yard and kick him up. This whole nasty thing seems to be very common within that community.

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