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Eclipta Alba

Bearing small white, yellow, blue, or red flowers and membership in the sunflower family, Eclipta alba has a number of other names, even scientific ones, including Eclipta prostrata, false daisy, and yerba de tago. However, this small, unassuming plant that is likely native to the Indian subcontinent has actually spread across the word and is widely used in traditional medicine and herbalism. Historically, it is most commonly connected with Ayurvedic medicine

Health Benefits Of Eclipta Alba

Liver Health: Although jaundice often sounds like a disease from the long-distant past, many people in the world still suffer from this condition that severely affects the liver and its functionality, resulting in a discoloration of the skin. Eclipta alba has been used for thousands of years to properly balance the liver and ensure its normal function.

Bowel Inflammation: If you suffer from the uncomfortable and embarrassing condition of hemorrhoids, finding relief can often be difficult. Eclipta alba has shown promising results in reducing the inflammation in that sensitive area and providing soothing, analgesic relief.

Soothe the Stomach: When consumed orally, Eclipta alba has been found to calm any disturbances in the stomach, namely indigestion or constipation. It can restore normal functionality to these areas of the body thanks to the rich variety of chemicals and organic compounds found in the plant’s extract.

Urinary Infections: Eclipta alba also has certain antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it highly effective at preventing and treating infections. When taken for a urinary tract infection, Eclipta alba can quickly reduce discomfortand neutralize the bacteria to restore normal function to your bladder.

Hair Health: If you are concerned about premature hair loss or thinning, as well as dandruff, then adding a bit of Eclipta alba to your hair regimen is a very good idea. It can be mixed in with shampoos to moisturize the scalp, preventing dry skin and consequent dandruff. Furthermore, it can strengthen follices and follicle beds, preventing hair loss and slowing down conditions like male pattern baldness, while also providing a rich luster to your locks. It can even promote the re-growth of hair that has already been lost, and speeds the growth of existing follicles.

Respiratory Issues: For people suffering from chronic respiratory infections and coughs, a bit of Eclipta alba can go a long way. The antibacterial nature of the extract can clear up the infection, while the expectorant qualities can force out any remaining phlegm or mucus where additional pathogens may be growing.

Eye Health: The leaves of this plant have a very high carotene content, which is a crucial antioxidant substance for the health of your eyes. Carotene can eliminate the free radicals that cause macular degeneration and the formation of cataracts, so adding some Eclipta alba to your herbal diet regiment can keep your vision clear for years!

Cancer Prevention: Although there is some controversy about the reliability of this herbal extract for the treatmentof cancer, early research has shown that Eclipta alba can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the liver. While this line of research has been limited, it appears that the organic molecules in Eclipta alba disrupt the DNA molecules for the proliferation of cancer cells, thereby having a cytotoxic effect and killing those dangerous, mutated cells.

A Final Word of Warning: While there are no regularly reported problems, there is always the chance on an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals. Lactating and breastfeeding mothers can use Eclipta alba, but pregnant mothers should consult their doctor before using this powerful herb.





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  • 5 months later...
1 hour ago, Heero Yuy said:

Probably just a placebo :lol:

or more so something that works for you specifically.

Yes yes

Garlic is absolutely not known to have antibiotic and antimicrobial properties aaaaaand im the only one who does this in the world

Jus cos u ain heard of something doesn't mean its not true

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Anyone got any advice for not binge eating? I swear its like i got  ocd.

Im one of the most active people i know.

I used to box but currently i play football like 3 times a week..

Gym pretty much every day.

Go for a long jog on a friday and sunday.

I hardly ever get ill. 

I eat healthy like 75 percent of the time,only fruit veg,and fish. No chicken or red meat no rice .but  the other 25 percent of the time i binge on food. But when i say i binge.


For instance today ive already had two cheese bagels, a steak bake a whole carton of mango juice, a donut and i guarantee theres more to come.

Granted i havent done this in months but I used to go krispy kremes and get 12  donuts and finish them in like  1 and a half days.

Any advice?


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3 minutes ago, dayomesaydayo said:

Anyone got any advice for not binge eating? I swear its like i got  ocd.

Im one of the most active people i know.

I used to box but currently i play football like 3 times a week..

Gym pretty much every day.

Go for a long jog on a friday and sunday.

I hardly ever get ill. 

I eat healthy like 75 percent of the time,only fruit veg,and fish. No chicken or red meat no rice .but  the other 25 percent of the time i binge on food. But when i say i binge.


For instance today ive already had two cheese bagels, a steak bake a whole carton of mango juice, a donut and i guarantee theres more to come.

Granted i havent done this in months but I used to go krispy kremes and get 12  donuts and finish them in like  1 and a half days.

Any advice?


Are u overweight?

If not Maybe u just require that amount of calories

An if thats alll u have eaten today i dont see the problem. That's breakfast, lunch, drink and a snack. Hardly binging is it

12 donuts in 1.5 days lmao u don't have a problem

I can box of 12 krispy kremes in a matter of hours about dayyyys. Nah man

Ur ok mate

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1 hour ago, dayomesaydayo said:

Anyone got any advice for not binge eating? I swear its like i got  ocd.

Im one of the most active people i know.

I used to box but currently i play football like 3 times a week..

Gym pretty much every day.

Go for a long jog on a friday and sunday.

I hardly ever get ill. 

I eat healthy like 75 percent of the time,only fruit veg,and fish. No chicken or red meat no rice .but  the other 25 percent of the time i binge on food. But when i say i binge.


For instance today ive already had two cheese bagels, a steak bake a whole carton of mango juice, a donut and i guarantee theres more to come.

Granted i havent done this in months but I used to go krispy kremes and get 12  donuts and finish them in like  1 and a half days.

Any advice?


Replace with a healthy nice snack and buy in bulk and keep in the whip


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3 hours ago, Grafter said:

Yes yes

Garlic is absolutely not known to have antibiotic and antimicrobial properties aaaaaand im the only one who does this in the world

Jus cos u ain heard of something doesn't mean its not true


Never said this wasn't true.

We're all complex, something that works for you won't particularly work for everyone else, especially something that doesn't have enough concrete clinical evidence (in the scenario we're talking about).


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31 minutes ago, Heero Yuy said:


Never said this wasn't true.

We're all complex, something that works for you won't particularly work for everyone else, especially something that doesn't have enough concrete clinical evidence (in the scenario we're talking about).


Whatever dr Lewis

Ur comments were and are unnecessary

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6 hours ago, Grafter said:

Are u overweight?

If not Maybe u just require that amount of calories

An if thats alll u have eaten today i dont see the problem. That's breakfast, lunch, drink and a snack. Hardly binging is it

12 donuts in 1.5 days lmao u don't have a problem

I can box of 12 krispy kremes in a matter of hours about dayyyys. Nah man

Ur ok mate


Lol maybe its in the mind i dunno.

The problem for me is ideally i dont really want to be eating these things at all.

Im trying to eat strictly fruit veg and fish but all the junk keeps creeping into my diet. 

And no i am not over weight.

Im actually trying to cut up.

Im cut but nowhere the amount i should be .

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9 hours ago, Seydou said:


I'm dying. He tried being respectful and ignore your post but yet you keep being petty

How am i being petty?

Hes tellin me garlic is just a placebo or it only works for me. Which is just the same as sayin im chatting shit, how is that not petty an unnecessary?

How is it not unnecessary for him to make further comment when he is just wrong. Of course different things work for different people. But he was wrong to dismiss like its something i made up myself and shouldn't be recommending yet hes recommendin blablabla this and attributing it all to his rock solid immune system

Sometimes u lot have real issues with simple comprehension . It's sad

To be clear. Garlic is NOT something that only works for smaddy, obviously it will not work for everyone but that is the case for many things. Hence unnecessary comment

Hopefully that is clear to u both

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