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Uncle Larry

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A man's in bed with his Thai girlfriend. After having great sex, she spends the next hour just stroking hismanliness, something she had lovingly done on many occasions.Rather enjoying it, he turns and asks her, 'Why do you love doing that?'She replies: 'Because I really miss mine'.
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What do you call a black man flying a plane?A pilot, you racist bastard.
speakin of pilots,i had the pleasure of flying with a Woman pilot for the 1st time ever last week...ive been on planes plenty of times before, never did i have the pleasure of being flown wit a woman pilot before.thought id share that wit u all
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An american hard gum walks into a pubwalks over to the worthers original thats reading a paper, and snatches it out of his hand, squares up to him and say "WHAT... IM AN AMERICAN HARDGUM...DO SOMETHING".... Th worthers original backs off..The hard gum then walks up to the chewit standing by the bar and slaps the pint out of his hand. Squares up to him and says "WHAT... IM AN AMERICAN HARDGUM...DO SOMETHING"A locket walks into the pub, and the hardgum immediately jumps over the bar, cowering like a puss...The bartender says, "Why r u shook, I thought u were 'ard"The hard gum replies... "YEA IM HARD..... BUTHE'S MENTHOL"

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What do you call a black man flying a plane?A pilot, you racist bastard.
speakin of pilots,i had the pleasure of flying with a Woman pilot for the 1st time ever last week...ive been on planes plenty of times before, never did i have the pleasure of being flown wit a woman pilot before.thought id share that wit u all
lol @ me expecting a joke at the end of this
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so theres a guy sitting at a bar drinking, hes had a fewthe barman says "mate i think youve had enough"the man replies "john im fine" so he goes to get off the stool, and falls flat on his facewith the aid of the stool and the bar, the man drags himself onto his feetonly to fall flat on his face againso once again he struggles to pull himself to his feet, determined to prove the barman that hes not drank himself leglessbut yet again he falls flat on his facenot to be outdone, he drags himself out of the bar, thinking some fresh air will help him find his feet againwith a number of similar failures out on the pavement, the man ends up dragging himself all the way home, up the stairs, and quietly slips into bed next to his wifethe following morning he wakes up to his wife angrily quizzing him:"you were out drinking again last nite werent you?""no", the man replies"your lying" the wife retaliates"im not i swear" the man tries to say convincingly"you know why i know your lying?" the wife asks"john foned and said you forgot your wheel chair again"

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Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman are running away from a farmer...They run into the barn and jump into 3 sacks...The farmer walks in, and prods the 1st sack with his pitchfork... The englishman replies 'woof woof'The farmer says, oh its just those puppies I was going to get rid of later....prods the next sack.... the scotsman replies 'meow meow'The farmer says, oh its just those kittens I was going to get rid of later....prods the next sack.... the irishman replies 'potatoes potatoes'

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Mickey and Minnie were standing in front of the judge. Mickey wants a divorce from Minnie. The judge says 'Mickey having heard why, I cannot grant you a divorce just because you say Minnie has buck teeth'. Mickey says 'I didn't say she has buck teeth! I said she was f*ck*ng goofy'

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Guest David Braund

what do you call a nigger in a tree with a suit and a briefcase?branch manageri need 2 stop watchin this Eddie grffin tingtottally takin over my life

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i think this is the deepest madeline mccain joke i ever heard. i was actually shocked when i see thiswhats the difference between the pope john paul and madeline mccain?the pope died a virgin
...OH GOSH..lol thts the deepest joke i've ever heard lol
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