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(360) Modern Warfare 2 Thread


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with slight of hand pro, It doesnt make as much of a difference with Assault rifles, you can easily cope without it for AR's, just not snipersThough it is very handy to have as in 50/50s youll normally come out on topFamas is a good gun, I suggest when you get to level.....Im not sure what, pretty soon for you, I think 39, you unlock the m16, its like the famas but more powerfulThe Scar H is also good - but it has a pathetically small clip, and unless you use scavanger youll run out quicklyFor a secondarySpas is probably the most powerful thing you can have, especially once you unlock the red dot sight and/or then grip for it (use the grip)Drawback with it is that it is very slow to pull out - so if you run out of bullets while shooting, chances are before you can pull your spas out - your dead - this is why I prefer the USP handgun - the rate at which you switch between them is very handy indeed, but the SPAS is a beast in close quartersHave you taken a look at other types of primary?Sub Machine Guns such as the UMP45 and Vector are brilliant - they arent as powerful as the AR's but have much more moility and generally larger clips, so if you combine that with the slight of hand pro / marathon perk, you will always be able to get the drop on someone - a silencer combined with one of these weapons is deadlyFMJ is not really a massive need for the famas also, I'd go with a silencer or better sight, most people go with noobtubes though id advise you not to (cuz youll go to hell)Problem with the PP2000 as a secondary is again the speed, its the same size as a handgun but takes much longer to pull - its very effective thoughwhat are your killstreaks and what kills/deaths do you normally get in one match? as in15 kills 10 deaths etc

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I've only used M4a1 and famas, I look at the other guns I unlock but I never try them out as I'm still trying to get used to the game with a gun I'm good with and I'm getting better with the famas, apart from close combat where I seem to die first more often than not(which is why I thought fmj might improve that).I will try out tnew guns soon, I wanna try the scar especially, but I'll have a look at the others too like the vector etc.Killstreak rewards? UAV, Counter UAV, Predator Misile. I usually get killed by the time I get a streak of around 5. 2 or 3 times I've got 6 or 7, but it doesn't warrant changing the counter uav for something like the precision airstrike...yet.k/d ratio is completely random usually, I'll have a few streaks like 13-7 or that kind of ratio give or take a few either way. Then I'll get something random like 20+ kills and 12/13 deaths. and then I'll have a bad run of streaks like 6-13 and around those kinda scores and that will continue for a few games.Depends on the map, I'm better on afghan, skidrow, invasion. Estate, rundown, favela, karachi is where I struggle.

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Guest Intervention

Hmm on the killsteaks if you eventually do change it/unlock another, make it harrierBasicallyOnce you get the predator missile, if you can get a double kill with that (which you usually can, especially if there is a uav up beforehand) it will get you harriersBut an airstrike wouldnt get you another killstreak - there are certain killllstreak rewards that feed into othersUav > Predator Missile > HarriersA sentry gun for example, even if you were to get 10 kills with it - it wouldnt get you to your next killstreak because its from a care package - edit, I think airstrike may, i need to check.Try not running around so much if thats what your doing, be more cautious and always ADS round cornersYou should try a silencer if you dont use one already, or perhaps cold blooded, half of the time you will die its because somoene sees you on the radar after you shoot, or with a UAV

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So I can get 3 kills, use uav, get 2 more kills and I'll have predator?I assumed that if I had for example 3 kills then used uav, I'd go back to zero again and would have to get 5 kills before getting to predator.I think I've got harrier unlocked already and I might have another unlock available so next time I'm on I'll change counter uav to harrier.I've got one class with everything the same as what I posted on the last page but with cold blooded as a perk so I'll try that and see.I'll definately set CB in a seperate class to use with a stinger as secondary once I get one man army(I've been reading up).

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Guest Medic
with slight of hand pro, It doesnt make as much of a difference with Assault rifles, you can easily cope without it for AR's, just not snipers
Well this isnt true, for FFA anyway. SoH is a sick perk to use when there are 3/4 enemies around, plus aiming quicker helps alot.md_dan you should try out the tar21, its a beast with silencer.
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Guest Intervention

Yea you dont wanna be stuck with a launcher classBut yeaYou get 3 kills, then you get 2 more, and you get a predator, then whatever kills the predator gets you adds to your killstreak, the harrier also adds to it (but thats for later when you are going for nuke/chopper gunner etc and have your FIRST killstreak reward as a harrier)The harriers launch an airstrike, then hover shooting for...not sure how long, 30 seconds I thinkThough, except for XP, if you have cold blooded you dont really need the stinger, because the air support cant harm YOU anyway so you have no need to shoot it downunless your playing vip2 games and you can save the rest of us :D@ MedicTrueI just meant that ARs are still managable without it, snipers....[borat] not so much [/borat]

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Guest Medic

All about going into a lobby jacking a clan's tag and running them off the server :D Went from..Me: Can we join your clan?Kid 1: NoMe: Why?Kid 1: Your not good enoughto, after 3-0 up constant rushing their spawn (on a 2 bar connection)Kid 2: These guys are pretty good manEnd of match (4-0)Kid 3: Back out..sh*t was epic. Surprise QUAAAAAAAAAD

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Guest Medic

Peeeeeeeeeeein, we was wondering where you went. Then Jeff remembered you said something about 'When final fantasy comes out its over'. You loser.Hey, letts get out of the map. REVIVE MEEEE :D :D

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What's you lots gun history like for MW2?I like none of the guns at the moment.Scar was my guy when I first stated playing this game, like...a good month....then the ammo REALLY started to piss me off.M16 for about 2 weeks but annoyed me as when I needed to spray about 4 man...well yeah lol.50 cal for a while but I hated not having cold blooded.Knifing for some time.....got bored.Then it was UMP silenced, but now I'm tired of the iron sight, lets me down at a distance, the damn thing just covers the person I'm trying to shoot lol.TAR...its alright silenced, any other way is meh.ACR for about a month too? But 1 on 1 vs other assult rifles, you notice how weak it is.MP5K for a week or so? Do not want.FAL for a bit but at times I forget I cannot spray then it's over lol.Now I don't know what to use, I keep flicking between all of those....tried this intevention quick scoping ting, it just aint for me lol.Looking forward to unlocking AK47 again to really see wagwan with it.

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O___o I want to still lol but nobody seems to have it./APPARENTLY from April 2nd - 5th is double xp weekend for 360... :oEdit: Yeah...promotion for the map packs it seems.http://cinemablend.com/games/Modern-Warfare-2-Double-XP-Weekend-Announced-23509.html

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What's you lots gun history like for MW2?I like none of the guns at the moment.Scar was my guy when I first stated playing this game, like...a good month....then the ammo REALLY started to piss me off.M16 for about 2 weeks but annoyed me as when I needed to spray about 4 man...well yeah lol.50 cal for a while but I hated not having cold blooded.Knifing for some time.....got bored.Then it was UMP silenced, but now I'm tired of the iron sight, lets me down at a distance, the damn thing just covers the person I'm trying to shoot lol.TAR...its alright silenced, any other way is meh.ACR for about a month too? But 1 on 1 vs other assult rifles, you notice how weak it is.MP5K for a week or so? Do not want.FAL for a bit but at times I forget I cannot spray then it's over lol.Now I don't know what to use, I keep flicking between all of those....tried this intevention quick scoping ting, it just aint for me lol.Looking forward to unlocking AK47 again to really see wagwan with it.
try the LMG ganz!? MG4, M240 and the AUG BAR.
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