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Two Shades of Gayle

Daniel Woods

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Can we see a picture of you please Princess FooFae (not the pics you exchanged Gayle) so did you meet Erin?

SDo you have a man? My friend Ashley needs a girlfriend he will treat you well, he has a good job. Plus his brother is a famous mc so he can get guestlist for Zinc in Southend for Pure Silk with dj S

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I'm another victim!! I would like to add however, that there has never been any physical contact between me and Gayle! Puurrlleeaaseee give me some respect! Dude is ugly and fat as f*ck. He did fool me with the whole Daniel Wood profile though and exchanged photos with me. I feel sorry for his girlfriend. Darren was a nice guy, he told me Daniel was his cousin. I used to chat to Darren, and I felt sorry for him, being so ugly and that, but now I think he is a sicko!!

Would love the opportunity to confront him!!

can you up a pic of urself so we know what we're dealing with here.


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Is that it?

Its the extent of how many people he's done this too!!

How can I just happen to sit next to someone he conned?!

I hear that but your girl hasn't said any more than you already had. Thus the anit-climax.

Let's fast forward to the ambush plan

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How am I sending for you if I am setting you up with a chick? dont be a fag, you was groveling to that Lollypop girl. So obviously I thought I will do you a favor even seriouss can vouch for this girl. Tell me what bad thing I said about you? I was selling you to the girl

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