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OK, my Dad had an affair about 2 years back. I was the one who found out via some disgusting emails to a friend in which he boasted about what he had done. My Mum didn't really do much, I mean she randomly started screaming at him at like 3 am about a week afterwards and they argued loads afterwards. It was pretty tough when I was about 14 and having to console my sobbing Mum after she had consumed a bottle of wine.I recently found out he has been having another affair recently, in fact it has been going on for quite a while. I really don't want to tell my mum again - it will just cause more conflict (2 more years and I'll be able to leave them all behind). Yet I'm wracked with guilt and I feel what I'm doing is wrong. It's hard to look at my Dad the same way. Other than the affair, my Dad is really great: he's supportive, caring, understanding and he works incredibly hard. I don't know what to do, and I don't want to tell any of my friends because they'd take the piss and it'd be kind of werid; I'm also pretty ashamed of it.I just can't go through the bullcrap that happened last time - this time they'd probably get a divorce and I have an 11 year old sister to think about too. But, like I said, I don't like this feeling of guilt I have.I don't know. Am I making the problem seem bigger than it is? Has anyone else been in this position? Can anyone offer any advice?Thanks TSR (and please be sensitive!)
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