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facebookers - i'm not clued up on facebook etiquette.But is it normal to not have your gf/bf linked to your profile as being your gf/bf, even though you've added them as a friend on your facebook?(trying to scope out how serious this chick is about her man)(p.s. its not me)
No relationship status = Open Season
not truesingle = open seasonno relationship status = u dont want every an every f*cket to know ur business, or have to change it to single when sh*t goes wrong, and then it comes up in everyones newsfeed
Unless your JLS or some female celebrity or your job requires you to maintain a single look persona then its bait.I agree with you about when people linking their partner to their facebook by name , but nothings wrong with putting your in a relationship full stop. swiftly cuts off any possible advances. I mean if you honestly see putting yourself in a relationship as knowing your business you may aswell not put down your name down, your network, your location and just have one picture of you in the mountains Osama styleand if the girls is really thinking that far ahead about the relationship f*ck*ng up etc changing her status...theres doubts and cracksssssssss
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