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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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We'd have to sponsor Natty £20 tbh.
:D/Natty, if you pick up a copy of the game for me I will buck you later today with the money as I have work and then my volunteering straight after.
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:lol:How come?How you gettin on with Ibuki?
At first when playing this game i thought it was a good improvement from the original, but after playing a far bit online and against other so called "pro" players, ive come to the conclusion that this game is fukn sh*t and stupid.ive never been/seen so much frustration in my life while playing any games before. When i lose i get MAD salty and just dont feel like playing anymore, and that goes for many other people aswell.I have witnessed Ryan Hart get beat by a blanka and then rage quit after.Those so called "NE/Casino Elites" either think they are "The best in europe" (ONE OF THEM ACTUALLY SAID TO ME HE WAS THE BEST PLAYER OF HIS CHOSEN CHARACTER IN EUROPE EVEN THOUGH THE GAME HAS NOT EVEN TOUCHED RELEASE YET) when really their just as good as playing the CPU on hardest and when they lose they dont send back GGS messages after you beat them.Those certain gassed individuals i would love to get at Exceed and rape beyond belief but they will probably just complain and blame it down to the "Tv being laggy" or some sh*t. Have heard bare guys that dont normally ever complain but get BARE salty while playing (including myself). Some characters are very silly in this game also FOR EXAMPLE: THAT FUKN SKANK JURI! so far my experience with this character has been very unpleasant, she is a TURTLERS DREAM. most matches against good OR sh*t juris will involve endless jumping back and constant spamming of safe dive kicks that chip or those stupid retarded fireballs. even when you do manage to get in, OH WELL WHAT A SURPRISE! I get hit by safe pin wheel kicks that knock me all the way back and then the flowchart starts all over again. its just jarring and the most irritating thing ive experienced so far with this game. I ultimately have come to the conclusion that capcom were chatting sh*t about "balancing everybody" and these are my reasons why.. certain new characters specials are way to safe on block and can be very easily abused.. ALL of the new cast are weak defensively and have no answer to any wake up pressure except block or backdash. Crouch tech doesnt even seem to work anymore and i get thrown 90% of the time now. Guile chargers too fast. They fukd up bare of the old cast with bullshit non logical nerfs, mainly the characters that actually take abit of effort to win with but upgraded the ones that were already GDLK (making burning kick slower,demon throw whiff recovery, ryu's DP hitting twice etc). Online is unstable and results in bare lag or people disconecting too often. The Run away/Rinse out the clock tactic works even better in this game (Ibuki/Yuri). Some of the New Ultras are pointless and make you think "what was the point" while some are too good (Breathless)There are probably other things ive missed but there the ones that has annoyed me the most. This game doesnt feel very balanced to me and i hope it gets patched real soon. If Vanilla had the damage reductions and the new Ultras then i would just prefer that tbh. f*ck this game.*Rant Over*/my Ibuki is getting abit better but i dont like the way shes played. you need to run away and throw kunais most of the time, she has no options on wake up, inputs mess you up and you end up getting stupid sh*t you didnt really want, Her vortex is repetitive and boring and you cant really even combo into ultra reliably.Overall i think shes aite but dont really like her, sticking with viper, Even though her BKs are slow as hell and you cant do most of the stuff you could before.Bun this, im gonna play Tekken.........
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Former was Ryan using Guy when we lost to a Blanka?Swear i was speaking Dieminion after our game and i reckon Blanka shouldn't have that much problems with Guy. Up ball cancels out his vortex and i don't think he can cope with the elec pressure. Blanka vs T hawk is free man. I used hk for one whole round and i and i won. Super has made Blanka into a fully turtle character imo

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Ye he was using Guy, he got R'Kelley'd as well. Smexy millz was playing as blankaAlso i forgot to add, because no one dies as fast in this game anymore you will often get dizzied at least once every 3 matches or so which adds to the frustration. juris dive kicks break armour so you cant even focus them, you cant walk forwards because you will get hit by it. all you can do is block. When you lot are online ill show you the replay or something.I posted that rant btw medic

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lol i asumed that juri was going to be fully rush down typebut all ive been seeing is turtling aswellmust be like gouken when almost nobody knew how to use him and just ran away as that worked best for themi say give it time former lolawho said they were the best in europe with that character?

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:lol:I swear he didnt even rage quit though. Did you expect him to play again after or something?I currently have no faults with the game, just the players. They could have made it better with a few more trade ultra opportunities. Im not satisfied with AA HK. ruffian kick trade ultra.If trade TU, angry scar, TU, FADC, Ultra works i will be more than happy. Gonna try that tonight.

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:D :D :D Logan don't want ithowever I'm so poor that I think i might have to choose between coming exceed or copping a legit ssf4 :D/edit: £60 coming through my letter box tomorrowLOGAN MONEY MATCH FT5 MY ABEL VS YOUR DUDLEY?????£20?????
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going game masters to get my legit copy noooowwwww :D sorry titan you know me fam ive barely got p for myself
:lol:d*ckhead. You are getting moved to when I see you at ExCeed.
At the risk of the veins in your head exploding i'm gonna sayUNLUCKY!:D
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