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A Gambino inspired topic - Africa, Egypt etc...


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on the issue of slavery we always hear europeans say black people sold themselves though, and can even name some

yet, ask them to name one african chief or king who resisted and they wont be able to name one. not because there werent any as there were very many, 

even some of those who initially partook in selling enemy tribesmen recanted and resisted... but ask the same eurocentric what happened to those that resisted..they will also not be able to tell you and what happened to those that resisted is they were all killed, exhiled or removed from their power of influence by force of gunpowder. 

it was always the evil intention of the european to acquire what is not theirs so cut the bullshit about africans selling themselves because nothing has changed right up to 2017

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3 minutes ago, ag. said:

Ofc north Africa was black. The sahara is the only eason its the way it is now. If the Sahara wasn't there north AF would have been invaded and overtaken by Blacks.


The sahara is the only reason it is the way it is now? The Sahara has been there since the ice age and became a desert around 3000 BC so your theory is nonsense.

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15 minutes ago, time_bomb said:


Probably the most famous black algerian at the moment, no one is denying he is black, but his dna is likely more in common with mine than 99.9% of black americans today. North African come in different shades and always have going back thousands of years BC sorry to burst your afrocentric bubble.

nomad berbers you descended from have existed for millenia i agree, and should have rights to the land(s) they settle in as everyone else and can also claim to be a citizen of that nation.

however, the fact is that the settler and invader became the majority and now oppress the Original natives who in this case are black africans.. as much as youre peddling this man whois an algerian footballer .. you cannot hide the fact that algeria is one of the worst countries in africa for the black man, one of the most racist nations in africa for black people. so again cut your bullshit..peddling some famous guy. America had famous black people in 1869 as well..it didnt mean shit. 

if the african history of world civilization is unlocked it will burst both your bubbles as its not just linked to africa.. and hottest bed of world conflict today centres on israel and bwoy do we know that there too is a nation full of imposters claiming what is not theirs. 

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11 minutes ago, time_bomb said:

The sahara is the only reason it is the way it is now? The Sahara has been there since the ice age and became a desert around 3000 BC so your theory is nonsense.

Regardless of how long, if it wasn't there as a barrier the whole of north AF might have been invaded, overtaken and assimilated like khoi, San, pigmy etc in 'sub' sahara

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yo that painting of my moor man with the tiger is sick


not read the rest of the debate cos honestly it means shit all

stack n shut your mouth or die slow


seydou that video is up there with my favourite shit ever

dunno how you managed it too but you must be top 10 poster now

clearly content with life with these days its all lols n happiness

I used to think you was a proper c*nt too

used to think that about ephron n jay tho :rofl:

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2 hours ago, Kuffir said:

someone come with the book recommendations

i dunno about all these youtube videos and dogdy links im a reading nigga 

These are some of the books I have. Some you can find as online pdf copies too.


Details Arab-Islam impact in Africa which has been the longest and cruelest running trade known in History. DEEP If you think Islam is a friend of Africans.. ha


Links into the Scramble for Africa


Full breakdown of the European Scramble to claim Africa once the Trans Atlantic slave trade ended, which kicked started European Industrial revolution through the stolen raw materials out of Africa. The forming of African Countries came about through European decisions, creating borders and ethnic tensions where none existed prior.. (Aka Rwanda). Details resistance of African natives trying to stop them, but by this point in history, Europe had developed the gun.. eg Gun vs Spear... no chance. Detail the arrogance and bigotry of the European Empire supremacist mindset of the day.


The ISIS Papers, the author passed away couple years ago. (she breaks down white supremacy to the raw bone, exposing it for what it truly is, powerful book)



Detailed books on what the moors brought into Europe and Spain and how the Crusades signaled by the Roman Empire reclaimed Europe under the cross and the rise of Europe and its motivation to conqueror the world.

Moorish Africans from Mali/Timbuktu who brought hygiene and culture into Europe and how to build buildings, paved streets and laterns. Berber Moors were there too, but Black African moors where in Europe for 800 years known as Blackamoors (peep your medieval history) running Europe (hence called the Dark ages) and why you have Black Moorish insignias on a lot of old and present European coats of arms too this day.


Robin Walker - Black British author based in London. This book is a monster of black African history. Akala has studied and worked with this guy. http://www.whenweruled.com/


A full breakdown of the factors which have led to the breakdown of African civilization over time


Challenges the African presence in Americas and supporting evidence


If you still believe in Christianity after this, or this doesn't make you question after reading. Then LOL at you.


Ditto for Islam... The two invading spiritual warfare forces.


Greeks... number one thieves of stolen history out of Egypt. Which then morphed into the Roman Empire > Catholicism > The Vatican (who control NASA and everything we think we know of space. & CIA, Churches even the protestant church, all major European centres of (Eurocentric) education where 1st founded by the Vatican during the European renaissance after they rid of the moors in Spain/Europe and came out of the dark ages) > The Popes. From the names of the planets to scholars of reasoning like Socrates...) All derive from Greek Roman origin which is stolen African knowledge and remixed to their suiting. (question everything)


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Need I say anymore (Title speaks for itself). Author is a white guy and is brutal with his critical and analytical assesment. Taking it to the essence of physiological/geographical/psychological factors to produce such a hostile/invasive people, who's history can be tracked of invasions/migrations and brutal violence from stone age to modern age.

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48 minutes ago, Vtec said:


Need I say anymore (Title speaks for itself). Author is a white guy and is brutal with his critical and analytical assesment. Taking it to the essence of physiological/geographical/psychological factors to produce such a hostile/invasive people, who's history can be tracked of invasions/migrations and brutal violence from stone age to modern age.

im always intrigued by this white evil violent angle that goes on

like I understand it from venom

hes an actual out the closet gay

you both seem relatively intelligent tho

like you like to obsess about evil arabs and evil whites enslaving africans several generations ago

do you purposely ignore the fact that this is human nature to exploit a resource, as tearful as it might make you to hear a less technically advanced society labelled as a resource - that is what it was and what they still are

humans still and always will be a resource to resourceful people regardless of any notions of race, whether that be in the form of slavery or consumers or relationships or your taxi driver

basically I guess I'm asking, do you actually believe that other 'peoples' are inherently evil in comparison to your obviously angel-like genealogy?

or is this just you posturing?

you mentioned a racial inferiority complex as a reason to why you seem to be certain Napoleon broke off noses of historical artifacts

id personally imagine he'd be pretty tied up battling the feudalist monarchies of Europe than worrying about the shape of a nose on a statue

I could of course be completely wrong 

but one other possibility is that you're the one suffering from a racial inferiority complex yourself and the way you're currently viewing the world is partly shaped by that despite your obvious intelligence

maybe there's a grey area in the middle n both possibilities hold slight truths 

but I think deep down we both know what youre clinging to is mostly bullshit

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spineless response 

must be a result of your genes

a descendant of the spineless tribe 

I'll take that as a clear admission you know you're chatting shit to massage your ego

some unwarranted advice for you mate, live a successful content life n this will matter much much less

I wish you all the best tho kid

I would ofcourse enslave you given the slightest chance tho

I don't really have a say in that matter

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I couldn't be less emotional man

some faggot just dropped me off a free bag of nice coke to my free hotel room n blazed a little pipe of shit bush weed

when she finishes work I have an actual legit princess coming to deep throat me

only emotion I'm feeling is glee

in between this last sentence I just did my first line

everything is right in the world

have a lovely fucking evening mate n mean that 

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4 hours ago, local said:

im always intrigued by this white evil violent angle that goes on

like I understand it from venom

hes an actual out the closet gay

you both seem relatively intelligent tho

like you like to obsess about evil arabs and evil whites enslaving africans several generations ago

do you purposely ignore the fact that this is human nature to exploit a resource, as tearful as it might make you to hear a less technically advanced society labelled as a resource - that is what it was and what they still are

humans still and always will be a resource to resourceful people regardless of any notions of race, whether that be in the form of slavery or consumers or relationships or your taxi driver

basically I guess I'm asking, do you actually believe that other 'peoples' are inherently evil in comparison to your obviously angel-like genealogy?

or is this just you posturing?

you mentioned a racial inferiority complex as a reason to why you seem to be certain Napoleon broke off noses of historical artifacts

id personally imagine he'd be pretty tied up battling the feudalist monarchies of Europe than worrying about the shape of a nose on a statue

I could of course be completely wrong 

but one other possibility is that you're the one suffering from a racial inferiority complex yourself and the way you're currently viewing the world is partly shaped by that despite your obvious intelligence

maybe there's a grey area in the middle n both possibilities hold slight truths 

but I think deep down we both know what youre clinging to is mostly bullshit

I believe that all people are evil, however we only have history to judge those who have been the most evil. as with everything there will be some who speciailse in a skill be it positive or negative. 


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I believe that all people are evil, however we only have history to judge those who have been the most evil. as with everything there will be some who speciailse in a skill be it positive or negative. The world today is still structured on such evil from the two main perpertrators, being Europeans and Arabs. 

Africans believed in spirituality and a form of biblical values before the corrupted constantinesque version of christianity was spread across the world through death and destruction.

The Moors ruled Iberia for 800 years and was a mixture of african and Arab muslims but did not initiate a trading of european slaves on the basis of their race. instead, even though some people were kept as slaves it was not an institution. 

Islam as practised in Africa did not operate by sharia law, women were viewed highly and not regarded as second class citizens, they peacefully traded with people of other faiths. there was a clear difference to how islam was practised by the arabs.. subjugating women, trying to expand their empire as far as possible through war and death. 

Jihad..was an arab bastardisation of Islam as the crusades were a european bastardisation of christianity, and the two forms of evil have spread across the world and continues to this day and lasted longer than any other point in human recorded history so.. of course the evidence is there to see who is inherently evil.  

you both somehow want to rule the world, and this only out of fear so infact it is you who is closer to the inferiority complex than the much older cultures that existed thousands of years before you and did not set out to rule the world and subjugate everyone else. 

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