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Girls too black for DSTRKT / Fridge too black for Brixton

Ephren Taylor

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Guest babatundestacks

you invited the pagans in

and got what you deserved

even brick lane has remained mostly bengali and other areas full of asians like south hall and brent remain asian in character

but these black ends get colonised by the culture vulture whites who steal your culture and your area and turn into something for them

and then treat you like you don't belong there

Bruh low talking shit.

The same thing that happened to brixton is happening to bethnal green right now

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Everyone's being shuffled backwards.

Huge influx of (majority) black families have moved to Kent this past year or two. When you're seeing shops that have been boarded up for years opening as barber, hair shop, church, takeaways and food shops you know it's serious.

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how comes there is isn't a conscious effort by blacks to spend their money in black owned establishment? i mean it should be easy since they own so little.

Why should there be a conscious effort to do this?
To support your community by keeping the money in yhe community

Same way Jews, Indians, Chinese and basically every ethnic group except blacks do

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how comes there is isn't a conscious effort by blacks to spend their money in black owned establishment? i mean it should be easy since they own so little.

Why should there be a conscious effort to do this?


If you're black or not, don't you want people that look like you to be successful and be an example to others that look like them.


A lack of witnessing success among people that look like you can lead to self hate and a lack of confidence among that social identity.  

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how comes there is isn't a conscious effort by blacks to spend their money in black owned establishment? i mean it should be easy since they own so little.

Why should there be a conscious effort to do this?

If you're black or not, don't you want people that look like you to be successful and be an example to others that look like them.

A lack of witnessing success among people that look like you can lead to self hate and a lack of confidence among that social identity.

I'm not somebody who studies social spending but I'd suspect black people are viewed as - consumers, but probably the most disloyal consumers.

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I don't see anything wrong with gentrification. A process of making sh*t areas more liveable - why are people complaining?

Bit anti British though if the Arabs and Chinese buy it up.



Yeah I think we should't allow foreign investors to buy UK property. We should follow Switzerland's example.

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dont know if im wording it right, but like london used to be bare white innit, now its completely changed. like gentrification happened time ago but it  wasnt the same vybe. working class whites had to move out and leave the areas their families were born and raised. now its flipped and the people who took homes/estates/areas off of others are having to move on.


when will it end, why do we let areas get pinnochio'd

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lol but you're wrong tho


working class whites got money and decided to move to the suburbs and leave the inner cities where the smelly immigrants were... now the children of those immigrants are moving to the suburbs and those working class whites are moving to spain/australia/florida

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lol but you're wrong tho


working class whites got money and decided to move to the suburbs and leave the inner cities where the smelly immigrants were... now the children of those immigrants are moving to the suburbs and those working class whites are moving to spain/australia/florida


ha in a nutshell, yeah.

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I don't see anything wrong with gentrification. A process of making sh*t areas more liveable - why are people complaining?

Bit anti British though if the Arabs and Chinese buy it up.



Yeah I think we should't allow foreign investors to buy UK property. We should follow Switzerland's example.


but i love international trade it allows me to get all more goodies from amazon bare cheap

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dont know if im wording it right, but like london used to be bare white innit, now its completely changed. like gentrification happened time ago but it  wasnt the same vybe. working class whites had to move out and leave the areas their families were born and raised. now its flipped and the people who took homes/estates/areas off of others are having to move on.


when will it end, why do we let areas get pinnochio'd

Err no, them working class whites left becuase they didnt want Satnam and Jai'raj living next door too them.

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Don't see the issue

Get there degree, come London and work for a few years. Enjoy the city life, stack then go back home later on.

Thats horrible for a country

Why is it horrible? I dont get it.


Know so many people who have moved to london over the past year. Wouldnt do it myself but can see why people do.

Does it really piss londoners off? If so, why?

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lol but you're wrong tho


working class whites got money and decided to move to the suburbs and leave the inner cities where the smelly immigrants were... now the children of those immigrants are moving to the suburbs and those working class whites are moving to spain/australia/florida


ha in a nutshell, yeah.



my post was a windup but you man actually think this innit?





like, i dont know what to say.


jesus you man have some warped view on life loool

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so all these 'smelly immigrants' who are now being pushed out by white guys from rich areas.


whats the difference???


when my fam came to this country, my dad his mum and his 3 bros and 2 sis lived on the streets. they were homeless.


1 generation homeless eating apple cores of the street.  we know the struggle.


but come on lads. how is gentrification now an awful thing but things like the windrush or the paddys coming over nothing??


its just human nature


we all take over eachothers shit

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how comes there is isn't a conscious effort by blacks to spend their money in black owned establishment? i mean it should be easy since they own so little.

Why should there be a conscious effort to do this?

If you're black or not, don't you want people that look like you to be successful and be an example to others that look like them.

A lack of witnessing success among people that look like you can lead to self hate and a lack of confidence among that social identity.

I genuinely can't say I'd prefer a black person to do well over anyone else based on colour alone no and I don't care for a black role model either.

The thing that makes a person a role model is their behaviour, emulate their behaviour you may emulate their success. IMO skin colour is irrelevant regarding role models unless an individual's role model is a black activist.

I'm not a charity to be giving money away, I prefer to SPEND my money with whoever is giving me the best customer experience at a competitive price.

If blacks ain't doing that it's no skin off my nose to spend elsewhere.

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