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Worst Way You Have Been Turned Down?

Mame Biram Diouf

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from man saying hes slept with 60 CHICKS aswell.
Don't lie laugh.gif
ye this is what he said. i dont disagree wit the numbers im up there aswell but to be on high numbers like that u have to be approaching alot of tings. nd not everyting is gonna jus be on it. thts not realistic fam.
Yeah thats what I mean, its not the numbers I'm doubting - its the fact that a man has slept with 60 chicks and has a 60-0 win record. Bullshit.
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Sorry mate, that's bullshit.I honestly don't get turned down. Never moved to anyone under a 6.At the same time I've never been one to move 20+ girls a night in the hope of drawing a number by law of averages.
That's because your that guy in the club who makes eye contact with a chick but wants to be 99% sure she's gonna have it before moving to her. So you spend 40 minutes making eye contact with her but never going in for the kill. Then your bredrins say "come we move over here" and they start walking towards the area that the girl is standing in, so you walk straight past her but glance backwards and give her a little smile.After about 30 minutes of plucking up the courage to move to her, you walk over but before you can complete your journey, one of your friends walks straight up to her and starts chatting to her. Within 3 minutes she's pulling out her Blackberry. You style out the shame by continuing to walk to the toilets where you look in the mirror and adjust the t-shirt under your cardigan so their aren't any crease lines on the chest area.You then come on VIP2 and claim you've never been turned down in your life and all the girls you move to are 6 or above.DISCLAIMER-: The only way you are telling the truth is if your light skinned with finger waves.
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolBeing that guy is never fun, It just can't berather get rejected by every girl harshlythen be that guy
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How can you be a teenage boy in West End raves every weekend and NOT get turned down at least once a night?How can you go Eros back in 04/05 every Saturday night and NOT get turned down?HOW CAN YOU GO CARNIVAL AND NOT GET TURNED DOWN AT LEAST 20 TIMES?How can you be a typical road yute and NOT get turned down when you tried hollering at chicks on the bus/street/shop/traffic lights?The only people in this topic that aint been turned down are those that are low of self confidence and have only actually moved to 4-5 girls in their entire life. This is fact.
jkkljklklkNAIL ON HEAD
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Anyone ever had one of them ones wear ur on a bus and theres a decent gal next to you, you turn to your to speak to her but she does at the same time to move into a spare double window seat, but she doesnt see you move your head so she isnt intentionally parring but you just feel like a d*ckhead anyway so you dont even bother trying again cuz ul look weird moving into the seat next to her after she just movedOr is this just me?

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I was 17 & some change at the time and my drawing chicks game was lackluster as f*ck....I got shot down HARD by possibly the most average bitch around. Nigga was wounded for a week a least, regrouped myself and went back into the field.A man perfects his contact & communication with women by the failures he's had with women

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