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Afraid to say the word "Black"


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bang bang woodford gang

come Lizard Lounge on Saturday ill buy you a drink

Pmsl what's it like in there?

Only place I have been is RS and that was b4 I lived round here

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All I'm saying is fuck sitting on a train for 1.5 hours to get to kings x or Waterloo. So that I can jump on another line for 20 mins just to get to work. And then do same on the way home after leaving work at 7pm. Fuck that life. Don't care if you get to live in a field on the weekend.

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i was doing my final year project with the help of some phd students and two of them were english guys. Both of them were cool bruddas but you could tell that one of them wasn't too familiar with black people and i remember him calling me brown. The other guy was ber into black culture, this guy probably had more old skool hiphop albums then anyone i knew and his girlfriend was a piff lighty. He never had a problem with dropping the word black but you could tell this guy knew a lot of black people from way back.

All I'm saying is f*ck sitting on a train for 1.5 hours to get to kings x or Waterloo. So that I can jump on another line for 20 mins just to get to work. And then do same on the way home after leaving work at 7pm. f*ck that life. Don't care if you get to live in a field on the weekend.

i hear that it's a minor when ur single but real talks f*ck raising a family in london

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where is this place?

Come on now lol

Deep Essex.

loughton/harlow i bet

Man said M11 so I reckon it's Harlow. Loughton isn't really deep Essex.

No & no.

:lol: @ Harlow or Loughton being deep Essex. M11 covers alot of places in Essex still.

It's a quiet, leafy little village that's not near bait areas like Harlow, Colchester, Stanstead, Chelmsford etc.

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LOL @ this.

From when Europe messed up the whole world, Europeans should cry like bitches when people of the world come here to get the dosh, the Polish come to get their dosh.

So many trollling English, so many racist in the country. One racist bitch always moaning about immigrants, she works in a school and voted for the conservatives, immigration being one reason why. She's losing her job because of them now :lol: hope they give a job of a similar title to a foreigner.

eh? how did anyone "mess up the whole world"?

i wouldn't mind europeans in general being blamed for the various recent atrocities i imagine you're referring to (slavery, colonisation, ww1 + 2) if you were to acknowledge their basically exclusive contribution to all technologies and achievements that humans currently benifit from the world over

in our democratic country of england, a guy supposedly well educated, some sort of aircraft engineer, in a nicely furnished, insulated english house, dressed in modern clothes mass produced using english technology, sat there on his computer comminicating over the internet on a forum about how "europeans messed up the whole world", an idea he's only aware of because of relentless propoganda from his free education, print/electronic media and recorded music

what a joke

in my explanation of the english's "problem" with mass immigration, i ommited the general contempt and lack of empathy towards them from the new arrivals that your comment is a mild example of

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I wouldn't recommend raising kids anywhere near Essex.

SPECIALLY them dead villages surrounding Harlow and them other bits.

A few acquaintances have moved out there over the years.

The last time I went to visit, from when we got off the bus we had sloshes offering us lifts. Some next guys giving us free weed (man gave us a score just to bred the "london" guys). We spent the weekend there and I can honestly say every single person I met was a drug fiend, every single person I spoke to was smacked out their brain. Walk into one shop, there's a massive queue and every c*nt in there is gurning their face off.

I'm struggling to remember the name of either village we visited that year, but they were both exactly the same.

One thing I also remembered was the way public spaces were so deprived in these areas too. LIke if I go to the park anywhere in Newham, there's bare sh*t for kids to do. The parks in these places consisted of nothing but busted football goals. True-say everyone's house looked amazing, my boy's "play shed" was now bigger than the entire flat my family live in.

Jokes. f*ck them bits though.

SW & NW Outskirts >>

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never understood why ethnics run off into these backwards, racist areas. theres plenty of places in london with good schools and low crime to raise your youts. and is raising them in such odd areas really the solution? theres bare (mostly black) people in my uni who were raised in them kinda areas... theyre f*cked up people.

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cos they're not backwards or racist? and to escape the increasingly backwards and racist cities?

the well-to-do people living in these areas are often day dreaming liberals and couldn't be further from "racist".

you can live in a posh area in any city, your still down the road from the scum, u don't kno any well off kids that turned wrongun?

goddaz moved there cos altho he'll still listen to sh*t brain twisting hip hop (the devil's music) n secretly wants to be Doddinghurt's scarface, he doesn't want his kids growing up with the same mentality

he wants to enjoy the fruits of a peaceful society no longer be found in the city

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Black people are the least racist people on the planet and the most accepting.

Dunno about that mate

Just from being on here with whites being called demons and a lot of guys parents telling them never to trust white people whilst simultaneously scarring them with a belt, don't think it's, for want of a better phrase, as black and white as that

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LOL @ this local BNP resident.

Black people are the least racist people on the planet and the most accepting.

how can the whites be racist n blacks accepting?

i thought all humans were the same? part of 1 human race? or is that only true when ur lusting after white women?

all these accepting non racist blacks must only live in ur area mate cos that aint the general trend round here

maybe they're all in south africa killing and raping white farm owners? or are they in liberia murdering and eating the corpses of their rival tribesmen?

maybe ur jus chattin sh*t tho n actually the most accepting are clearly europeans (only through decades of manipulation tho tbh) what with the tens of millions of immigrants settled in the continent?

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Local is confused. Look @ how fucked the world is, wasn't black people who done it. Killing off natives of all the countries of the americas and australiasia, wasn't blacks who done that.

In some countries in the americas, the only trace of natives are in black people.


I love my irish though, they have had it bad from the likes of locals people.

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Lolcal is on this white power flex I can see it

When Justin spoke about 'ruining the world'

I can tell lOcal wrote about slavery n colonisation with a smile on his face

you man fucked everything, spread disease massacred races and even held back civilisation a few hundred years for a while leave it

The world would be a better place if it wasn't so influenced by Britain

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Local is confused. Look @ how f*cked the world is, wasn't black people who done it. Killing off natives of all the countries of the americas and australiasia, wasn't blacks who done that.

na it weren't cos as i've explained before, they couldn't build a decent f*ckin boat

they stayed where they were, warring, raping and eating each other, as many of those not able to escape continue to do

Lolcal is on this white power flex I can see it

When Justin spoke about 'ruining the world'

I can tell lOcal wrote about slavery n colonisation with a smile on his face

you man f*cked everything, spread disease massacred races and even held back civilisation a few hundred years for a while leave it

The world would be a better place if it wasn't so influenced by Britain

once again, if you're gona try claim europeans "f*cked everything", how can you not acknowledge their basically exclusive contribution to all technologies and achievements that the world enjoys

n i kno ur being a stupid f*ck*ng prick about civilisation..

i don't wana upset guys but what do u imagine you'd be doing if it weren't for these europeans that ruined everything? you defo wouldn't be on the internet n u wouldn't be taking pictures of the footwear that you wouldn't own

but carry on believing 1 sided myths if u want lads, probably makes it easier

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