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Irregardless of whether or not Ash would have got into Oxford, you should allow being that harsh and negative about his aspiration to do it. It's actually badmind to put down someone's efforts to make moves.
*cringe*Reminds me of when a kid in my year 8 English class thought the past tense of fit was "fat"e.g. the shoe fat my foot
LOLAllow me.And Blade Runner, I know it's Ashman and normally he is a twat, but he is actually making the effort to do something constructive rather than talk sh*t about immigrants and I just think you could have easily told him the same stuff in a less harsh way. It's nothing to do with caring. It's about calling it like I see it.
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ash went ard
He did go hard, but none of what he said is true, so it matters not.The FACT is, he still will not get into Oxford, I still have intelligence pouring out of my every orifice, and he is still catching up on qualifications I did 3-6 years ago.Come on.All the best,Blade.
Yeah, but 3-6 years ago when I was doing the things you are doing now, I did not have a degree because if I had, this would be the last place that I would end up spending my entire day/night and afterlife.When I get my degree, only place you will hear from me will be in a newspaper or on TV. What I am saying is true and the only thing pouring out of your holes is sh*t. Absolute bullshit. COME ON BLAD!Not all th best,Your Daddy.
having a degree would get you off this site but having 2 kids wontorly
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Anyone else got those final year blues....The whole "I just wanna get it over and done with" attitude.Genuinely can't wait. Gonna touch the cv up over christmas and start looking at jobs out of the country.btw I got a letter from the Student loan company....have you man seen the interest repayments......boy!!!(ranges between 40-57 quid a month)

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Anyone else got those final year blues....The whole "I just wanna get it over and done with" attitude.Genuinely can't wait. Gonna touch the cv up over christmas and start looking at jobs out of the country.btw I got a letter from the Student loan company....have you man seen the interest repayments......boy!!!(ranges between 40-57 quid a month)
I actually can't wait for the end. I will drink myelf into a coma I swear.My sister told me that repayment letter came. From what she saw when I asked her to read it says I owe them £13K. I calculated I owed them around £18K, but hey, I'm not complaining. Need to see it for myself to know if I want to be cool or get pissed.
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Anyone else got those final year blues....The whole "I just wanna get it over and done with" attitude.Genuinely can't wait. Gonna touch the cv up over christmas and start looking at jobs out of the country.btw I got a letter from the Student loan company....have you man seen the interest repayments......boy!!!(ranges between 40-57 quid a month)
yup in that mentality. But i am applying to do a GDL, so that means more debt and more stress :|
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ash went ard
He did go hard, but none of what he said is true, so it matters not.The FACT is, he still will not get into Oxford, I still have intelligence pouring out of my every orifice, and he is still catching up on qualifications I did 3-6 years ago.Come on.All the best,Blade.
Yeah, but 3-6 years ago when I was doing the things you are doing now, I did not have a degree because if I had, this would be the last place that I would end up spending my entire day/night and afterlife.When I get my degree, only place you will hear from me will be in a newspaper or on TV. What I am saying is true and the only thing pouring out of your holes is sh*t. Absolute bullshit. COME ON BLAD!Not all th best,Your Daddy.
having a degree would get you off this site but having 2 kids wontorly
Alie. All the best,Blade.
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Irregardless of whether or not Ash would have got into Oxford, you should allow being that harsh and negative about his aspiration to do it. It's actually badmind to put down someone's efforts to make moves.
Titan, it's Ashman. I don't know why you care so much.It's not like I'm being negative about you now is it?All the best,Blade
The thing is I have noticed that you are quite negative about everyone and I also find you to be quite patronising tbh. I don't even think you are that smart; you just like to come across like you are smart and it's not a hard thing to do when you have Google at your finger-tips. <_< Can't knock your degree but what are you actually doing with it? I noticed at the bottom of the last page, one of your worms come out of the woodwork and said something about having kids and being on here, well, there is a difference actually. When you have kids, you do a lot around the house and when the kids are settled, you could be lucky to a few hours to yourself, so how I choose to spend my few hours is up to me.Now the difference with having a degree and being on here is that, if you have finished Uni, you should be out there in your chosen field (profession) and you should be spending most of your day working and earning the paper (which I aim to do when I finish Uni). Gray Fox is on here constantly! Day and night. He says he has a degree in Law and if that is true then why is he not in a court room doing some barrister work or why is he not in Parliament himself drafting up some proposals? He likes to think that he knows it all but even if he does, what exactly is he doing with it?sh*t, I have not even started my degree and I am already making links with MPs and lobbying councillors on various issues; giving them ideas and offering my support. He has a degree in law and I have probably been to court more times than him! (for whatever reasons, it is irrelevant) I ain't even cussing, I am being constructive (unlike some) so why does he feel that he needs to run people down? He has a degree and he could be giving out so much advice and support to people just starting out but he feels he has to come in here and run people down.What kind of mentality is that?And Carlos is the same.Most these mans undertaking or finished their degree are some jealous mans I swear down. Scared that we are going to overtake them and sh*t. smhThe only person I have seen on these forums that is mature enough to have a degree and does not patronise is Superstition. If only people like Gray Fox and Carlos took a leaf from him and matured up a little.There's a time and a place for jokes and cusses and I don't think this thread is it!
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Got my first reply today... Unconditional for Leeds.What are the deadlines for replying? Ive had a quick look on the UCAS site but theres no clear answer I can find.
fackaaaaffffI have to have an interview for Leeds, congrats anyhow. And I think you have to wait for the UCAS application deadline before you can choose your 2.What course you applying for?
Trust me, your course will be summet of more importance if they're after interviewin u!I never went to college, im with the 'been working for 4 years and got nothin but NVQs' gang. Ill be doin Event Management HND but have every intention of joinin the final year of a degree for my fourth year.Also applied for Sheffield but not heard back from them yet.
events management? does that mean your at leeds met?no offence, but this is course is the biggest waste of time ever, 90% of people drop out after the first year
Yep at Leeds Met... And no offence taken. I certainly won't be droppin out after the first year, seein as the second year is working, so I plan to take them up on their placements abroad.I wouldnt drop out anyway, Im 21, have been workin sinse 16 and know that theres nuffin to drop out for. An Event Management qualification probably is useless when compared with other degrees but any degree is better than no degree and I am also just lookin forward to the uni experience.
fair do's i only say it cus out of 8 people i know doing the course 4 dropped out 2 transfered and the one of the others is doing their work placement in the diesel shop (has nought to do with event managment)but there are some cool people on that course, and their course partys are worth going togood luck tho, its a sick city.
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Gray Fox is on here constantly! Day and night. He says he has a degree in Law and if that is true then why is he not in a court room doing some barrister work or why is he not in Parliament himself drafting up some proposals? He likes to think that he knows it all but even if he does, what exactly is he doing with it?
Naive - Level 1.
sh*t, I have not even started my degree and I am already making links with MPs and lobbying councillors on various issues; giving them ideas and offering my support.
LOL. I have had work experience in politics a long time ago mate. Been there, done it.
He has a degree in law and I have probably been to court more times than him!
Just to let you know, if you have a criminal record, along with your general chavvishness, your new life will be over before it's begun.
I ain't even cussing, I am being constructive (unlike some) so why does he feel that he needs to run people down? He has a degree and he could be giving out so much advice and support to people just starting out but he feels he has to come in here and run people down.
I don't give advice to people I don't care about...i.e. people like you.
Most these mans undertaking or finished their degree are some jealous mans I swear down. Scared that we are going to overtake them and sh*t. smh
Jealousy? No. Look at you fam. You've got two kids and you're still in your twenties. YOu're only just going to uni. And you're an ugly f*cker to boot. What would I be jealous of?All the best,Blade
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Gray Fox is on here constantly! Day and night. He says he has a degree in Law and if that is true then why is he not in a court room doing some barrister work or why is he not in Parliament himself drafting up some proposals? He likes to think that he knows it all but even if he does, what exactly is he doing with it?
Naive - Level 1.
sh*t, I have not even started my degree and I am already making links with MPs and lobbying councillors on various issues; giving them ideas and offering my support.
LOL. I have had work experience in politics a long time ago mate. Been there, done it.
He has a degree in law and I have probably been to court more times than him!
Just to let you know, if you have a criminal record, along with your general chavvishness, your new life will be over before it's begun.
I ain't even cussing, I am being constructive (unlike some) so why does he feel that he needs to run people down? He has a degree and he could be giving out so much advice and support to people just starting out but he feels he has to come in here and run people down.
I don't give advice to people I don't care about...i.e. people like you.
Most these mans undertaking or finished their degree are some jealous mans I swear down. Scared that we are going to overtake them and sh*t. smh
Jealousy? No. Look at you fam. You've got two kids and you're still in your twenties. YOu're only just going to uni. And you're an ugly f*cker to boot. What would I be jealous of?All the best,Blade
Three words..Failed Old Fart.You get air from now.
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Benjamin Disraseli, no offence, but do you even know what lawyers do?You don't seem to have much idea, unless you're being sarcastic...
Do you mean Solicitors? and why, do you know?
1. He said LAWYERS, meaning anyone that works with the law, be they academic, barrister, solicitor etc.2. I'm sure he does know, hence why he asked the question.3. You're a minge.All the best,Blade
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Graphic DesignSheffield Hallam2nd
Do you know much about the accomodation there? Im lookin at Trigon, Leadmill or Archways.Ive been too have a look round the city and see how its all located (uni, train station, shops, clubs etc) and was feelin the closeness that the above 3 accomodations were to everything.Any experience with any of these or other recomendations?
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Benjamin Disraseli, no offence, but do you even know what lawyers do?You don't seem to have much idea, unless you're being sarcastic...
Do you mean Solicitors? and why, do you know?
1. He said LAWYERS, meaning anyone that works with the law, be they academic, barrister, solicitor etc.2. I'm sure he does know, hence why he asked the question.3. You're a minge.All the best,Blade
Lol, this was exactly my point, he seems to think everybody with a law degree = court lawyer, as if to say corporate, property etc law don't exist.
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