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Worst Way You Have Been Turned Down?

Mame Biram Diouf

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Dunno if i mentioned this, couple months back was in some funky rave some shitty sh*t sh*t bassline rave that was advertised as a funky house night (this was the beginning of the upset)anywaysince Bassline is so sh*t, I am doing the standing on the wall thing.....I don't think its possible to dance to that sh*t, So I am chilling on the walltheres some ugly Mighty Joe Young looking bitch winding in front of me, I am like ughh how dirt is she.Then I here the DJ drop a funky tune into mix, so I get happs, I step forward and walk to the dance floor.As I do this, dixie kong (yes she did have some dirty blonde head piece)turns round...sees me smiling and walking in her direction..she smiles shakes her head and shakes her finger at meTHE VEXATION AT THIS POINTDid I just get turned down by a planet of the apes bitch that I wernt even trying to speak to.DixieKong.jpgI swear but darker with bright red lipstick

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Didn't happen to me but me and my boys were out and saw one chick chilling on the wall with 2 friends she had a faaaaatttt backoffSo we walk past and my boy looks and goes to open his mouth.... Before he can say a word she says 'what you saw a big baaccckkofff and thought you could 'move' to it yeah? :D' He was caught off guard and sh*t and was like 'nah na-' and her white girl friend shouts in mans face 'GO AWAY' We creased and kept it moving

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Didn't happen to me but me and my boys were out and saw one chick chilling on the wall with 2 friends she had a faaaaatttt backoffSo we walk past and my boy looks and goes to open his mouth.... Before he can say a word she says 'what you saw a big baaccckkofff and thought you could 'move' to it yeah? :D' He was caught off guard and sh*t and was like 'nah na-' and her white girl friend shouts in mans face 'GO AWAY' We creased and kept it moving
Hulk Hogan Big Boot to the face or just Lex Luger clothesline her off the wall. F*cking whores.
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still dont know the best way to turn someone down without causing an atmosphere or have them thinking you're too nice.these days a simple 'I have a boyfriend' does not suffice.Most you men don't care smh.gets to the point where being polite isn't making you leave, so do I get rude? do I just walk off what??!

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still dont know the best way to turn someone down without causing an atmosphere or have them thinking you're too nice.these days a simple 'I have a boyfriend' does not suffice.Most you men don't care smh.gets to the point where being polite isn't making you leave, so do I get rude? do I just walk off what??!
If someone doesn't leave it when you say 'i have a boyfriend' or 'no thankyou not interested' and becomes irritating, theres not much else you can do other than just turn your head and ignore them. Unless they are one of those who just try to press themselves against you or try touching you, then imo its acceptable to lose ur temper
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best thing a girl can do is be polite and sociable. guys will b kool when You say they can't have the num that way. + smile while rejectingalso don't give us irrelevant information, i e most generic icebreakers shouuld not be answered with "i have a boyfriend" or "i'm not interest" - i didn't ask either of those questions. if You're not able to do either of those, jus say You can't stop, speed up and go. smile would still be nice.

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lolme: *grabs eye contact* "you alright"her: *screwface*me: "jeeeze" *rotates and laughs off event with friends*fastest rejection I've ever experienced, its not even like she gave it any facety attitude, she just delivered a look like she was trying to say "who is this guy and what is he doing?"

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You can't turn down certain man.I been in situations where a girl has said she has a boyfriend, I've said cool, and all of a sudden this boyfriend don't exist.There are guys that just can't take rejection lolTHEN AGAIN,not being interested before hearing what the person has to say is dumb tbh

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best thing a girl can do is be polite and sociable. guys will b kool when You say they can't have the num that way. + smile while rejectingalso don't give us irrelevant information, i e most generic icebreakers shouuld not be answered with "i have a boyfriend" or "i'm not interest" - i didn't ask either of those questions. if You're not able to do either of those, jus say You can't stop, speed up and go. smile would still be nice.
Unfortunately tho thats not always the case, some guys will stalk and harass to the point where you lose patience with trying to be polite because they wont understand it any other way.
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You just need to break it down after the polite train has come and gone. Baitly just say i've tried to be nice but i'm not on it, do not give him time to compile a reply. Infact when your saying 'im not on it' you should clearly have a nice walking pace in process/Was at the bar when I heard one guy say to a chick " Can I get your number " girl was like " What do you think " guy was just like " Oh, Ok "was creasinggggggggggggg

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The boyfriend line rarely works.'So, we can just be friends babes'.. then tilts his head and gives a dirty cheesy smile.'Hes waste, let me get to know you''I would treat you better''I got money the stacks higher than me, does your man buy you whatever you want?' (he was about 5'2)/No doubt theres a few of these type guys on here, please take note from what the ladies of the forum are saying. Creeps.

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Guest M12 Part 2
The boyfriend line rarely works.'So, we can just be friends babes'.. then tilts his head and gives a dirty cheesy smile.'Hes waste, let me get to know you''I would treat you better''I got money the stacks higher than me, does your man buy you whatever you want?' (he was about 5'2)/No doubt theres a few of these type guys on here, please take note from what the ladies of the forum are saying. Creeps.
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Just got back from holiday and got some new ones!!Met a chick in a bar. Jamming outside with her and my boys, her girls come out and say they're going elsewhere but she says she's staying with us. We move on to a couple other places and eventually a club. Then I tell her let's get out of here. We go get the key for the hotel off the boys and say bye to everyone. Ten minute walk to the hotel. Get in the room, I go for a piss, come out, turn off the light and get started. Top off. Bra off. All going fine. Suddenly she freaks out "Oh sh*t, what time is it!? I'm going to miss my ferry!" Gets dressed and is out the door within 10 seconds. It was 6 am, her ferry was at 11 and her hotel was in walking distance. Plus we'd discussed getting her to the ferry like 10 minutes before. Was deeply upsetting.Next one. These two Norwegian chicks we met in a bar are rolling with me and the boys to different bars. In one club now and one of them leaves with a dude we know. The other one is all over me, lipsing me in the club (allow me, was on holiday). I tell her I'm going toilet. Come out and she's GONE. I knew the doorman and he says he didn't even see her leave but she was definitely gone! Saw her 3 days later with her friends, she speedwalked past me.

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