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Femme Fatale - UPDATE


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I then was set up in the middle of Bradford City Centre by Rix who was already calling the police as I approached the guy because he had already tried and applied for a injunction but failed. So basically I was exactly where he wanted me....

This makes no sense, how can he set you up in the city centre? Doing what? What I'm taking from this is, he was out, you decided to make a scene in public or something and Feds got called in you got arrested, from what I recall of the story you were quite mouthy

I then had a breakdown and was taken to hospital for a 28 assessment. They assessed and then sent me on my way, I do not take any medication and the doctors said I do NOT have any mental health issues and there is also documentation to prove that. although I did suffer from depression a while after hospital because I was not seeing Kiya I then had a assessment by a psychaitrist who then said at this moment in time my daughter would be better to live with Rix until she is old enough to make her own decisions, I agreed if shes happy im happy...but how do I know shes happy now.

OK, I've been in and out of hospitals from 17-22, and I still have friends I was in with from 17 who still go back/are receiving treatment and let me tell you first of thats bullshit. Case in point, just last month a friend of my girls brother was dating some chick who was doing psycho shit (shed hit him in front of us, wed say wtf, she say she didn't do it, chased man with a knife in the road in front of her 2 kids, slapped his mum, they'd been together about 8 weeks) have her kids been taken? Is she in hospital? Nah cause on Saturday another chick had to call Feds on her cause she slapped her mum (she's broken up with that guy now) she's not in jail, she's not in hospital, pretty sure social services isn't even in her radar.

Just 2 months ago I was helping a friend through a suicidal crisis, I had to ring his CPN (community psychiatric nurse), couldn't go A&E it was packed anyway and they'd just call his CPN, no beds at no hospital, best they could do is send a home treatment team in 2 days. The situation has been like this for a few years, unless you're absolutely batshit losing it, you're not gonna get called in to have a cup of tea and biscuits for 28 days while they evaluate. You did more than you're letting on

I want to see my daughter end of.

100% fair and Rix should let you see her. As long as you start fuckin acting like a mother not some 12 year old school girl spreading rumours online and tryna get "your side" out, and Rix bruh real talk think about how you want your daughter to see as an agreeable way to be treated by a man. I still remember the old thread, I've had arguments with my chick about this baby shit, she's swung and threw stuff a few times but never laid a hand on her, sometimes it took the power of Thor, but the point is to rise above this bullshit. Normalise argu!ents and violence and trash talking about each other when she grows up what characteristics you reckon shell choose in a person? These battles don't mean shit, the greater war is making sure your child gets through this mucky world, who cares if she shouts in your face, be the bigger man.

Thats true I have contacted my solicitor lol dont you think thats the first thing I did im not stupid lol... she said there is no legal aid for family law which he knows which is why he text me saying good luck finding the money the last time I spoke to him little does he know I could afford to take him to court a hundred times over if he wants to play like that he dont know anything about my finances lol.

All this is just "my dad has the PlayStation 7" talk, its irrelevant, the internet doesn't care about your money, you have nothing to prove, stop trying to prove Rix is terrible and you "deserve" the child and just focus on the child, if you spent this energy focusing on your situation, improving on whatever lost you custody you'd probably have shared custody by now, you'd have forgotten about the stupid fights and you'd probably be pregnant again by that guy who held your hand in hospital after Rix had backshotted you.

You don't matter, Rix doesn't matter. You both need to put this bullshit aside and take care of the kid, even if that means his friend has to drop her off or you pick him up direct from school or go in a cab and just stay while she goes in.

Anyways, I'm high as fuck and got abit mad there, but I'm not insulting you, I'm using that language to make you listen, you both can raise a wonderful child and that's the end goal, put your egos aside for the child, if you love her that is

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  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry to interrupt your fun here.

To clarify, I do have custody of our child - as you are aware, the order you are referring to was in place until it broke down due to your behaviour/mental instability and you were also returning our child home whilst clearly under the influence of drugs.

This order wasn't in place long before you managed to mess up. I gave you multiple chances during this period as I am aware you have some issues.

Due to this not getting resolved between us, I have advised you to take this matter back to court. As discussed on a number of occasions contact between me and you isn't required at this time.

To make matters worse, amongst the numerous other letters I receive from them - Social services sent me a letter last week to advise you have been served an eviction notice due to housing finding cannabis in your house and filthy conditions. So you expect our daughter to stay with you where?

Our daughter is fine and happy with me, and of course she always will be. She has been with me for the last 3 years and has thrived in my care.

She is currently allowed contact with your family, but you are a cause for concern, it makes no difference that you are her maternal mother.

I'm not sure why you continue to come on here, it doesn't annoy me or even upset me - it just further confirms that I am currently doing the right thing.

Nobody on this website knows me in real life, it is entertainment to them but this is life to me.

If you can sort your life out then please get in touch - Until then please bugger off.

Kind regards,


There is clearly no fun here and as you are trying to play God with our child's life my house was not in filthy conditions to clarify I just don't live there anymore, let's get to the point you are breaching the contact order end of as for other family members seeing her that's just to spite me you clearly get a thrill out of trying to make my life harder than it is.

Then you call my brother off a bus and ask him for a cig and you want to call me low, get a grip and look at yourself in the mirror you low life twat!

I will be seeing you back in court it's not fair on Kiya you playing God with her life I cannot wait until she can make her own decisions and is old enough to come see herself, karma will smack you straight in your face like you deserve.

As for my life it is the only problem I have is you not letting me see my own daughter. That's a the stress I have.


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